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  1. Hi John, 1. When you pressed button 0 on your yoke, this sent the PARKING_BRAKES control, as assigned: Its actually assigned to turn off autopilot. This is yet another new anomaly. 2 So it looks like the button assignments on your yoke are working. Are the yoke axis working? Non of the yoke buttons are working as originally set up, The only axis that is functioning is the rudder pedals and that is intermittent at best 3 I don't see any other Button changed messages logged. Did you try any buttons on your other devices? If so, FSUIPC is not seeing these. Yes the auto throttle cut off switch is on the Jetmax TQ just as in the actual 737, It no longer works. 4 What changed during this period? MS Windows 10 updates and the addition of some FlyTampa scenery, The computer is used exclusively for flight simulation and only P3Dv5,2 is installed 5 It may also be worth trying to initially configure with a stock aircraft as well, just to check if you can assign your devices in a nin add-on a/c. My throttle, yoke and rudder pedals where working with the default F 35 6 P.S. Also try rebooting first, if not done already! Yes done on multiple occasions 7 Oh - and I see that you have installed FSUIPC6 in your Documents folder: I did not change the installation destination that is where I found it, yes kinda odd. John as a user of Multiple variants of FSUIPC I can say this process of setting this new computer up has been exhausting for FSUIPC is not the only program that has been an issue. ChasePlane took a Jetline representative to remote in and after 45 minutes determined it was a keyboard issue. That worked for 3 days and the same issue resurfaced. After disconnecting my flight peripherals and adding them back one by one I isolated the issue to the Jetmax TQ-specifically to the fuel cut off lever. No more issues with ChasePlane and I got a new shinny keyboard. I have 3 FlyTampa scenerys installed and Boston causes a CTD everytime I use it. the other two work with out issue. George from FlyTampa has been able to provide little insight. I have had this computer for 5 weeks and yet have I flown a virtual revenue flight in my 737. Thank you soooo much for your input it is greatly appreciated sir. Enough ranting back to work on fixing this issue
  2. John, Updated FSUIPC6.ini and FSUIPC6.log files you requested after changes made. The control inputs such as buttons, flaps, yoke or rudder pedals continue not to function. FSUIPC6.ini FSUIPC6.log
  3. Hello, Purchased new Jetline computer and completed my set up of fsuipc for the PMDG 737 in P3Dv5.2. All controls worked flawlessly for a week. Today my yoke, rudder pedals, and Jetmax 737 TQ are not functiong with in the PMDG virtual cockpit. I use the following programs; Prepar3D_v5_Professional_5.2.22.27615, GSX Level 2 version 2.9.4 , ActiveSky P3D For Prepar3D v5 build 7877,Active Sky Cloud Art , and PMDG 737 NGXu. FSUIPC is registered. Simply cannot live with out my FSUIPC any help greatly appreciated. FSUIPC6.1.log FSUIPC6.ini FSUIPC6.JoyScan.csv
  4. Pete, Found my notes that I kept from my initial calibration/install and had all controls working perfectly in 2 hours work. Thanks for your time/input it is greatly appreciated. Tim
  5. Hi Peter, 1) Is the FSUIPC5 installation on the same PC as the FSUIPC4 one? Yes it is on the same computer 2) Not familiar with the term Joy Letters please explain 3) Not acting on the aircraft controls at all. The Saitek yoke and rudder pedals along with the JetMax 737TQ work with the default P3D Raptor but do not work with PMDG 737NGX
  6. No they are not functioning as previously set up in FSUIPC4
  7. Yes all three work in the default raptor
  8. Thomas thanks for your reply. I did as you recommended. In addition, I reloaded key presses and axis assignments and removed all assignments from P3Dv4. FSUIPC is not recognizing the 737TQ. My yoke and rudder pedals are also not functioning in the PMDG NGX.
  9. Is it possible to transfer FSUIPC4 settings to FSUIPC5. I have migrated to P3Dv4 from version 3 and want to avoid making new assignments for my jetmax 737TQ.
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