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  1. One thing I always found very enoying about FSX, every time you want to freshly setup your FSX, you need to search together all the information you need and last ages untill youve finally got it installed. Or you want to discover something new, but first you have to spend hours in google and try 7 things that wont work properly. So I recently started a little InfoDB and made it public, for everyone to enjoy: www.HBE66.com If you have any contributions or even corrections, everything is welcome ;-)
  2. thanks pete :grin: ill add that
  3. hey, thats quite simple, place the macro file in your <fsx>\modules directory and then startup fsx then open up fsuipc and go to buttons and switches now press the button you want to assign (maybe choose "aircraft specific" aswell) and then select the macro file from the dropdown on the right if you can open up the dropdown you might need to activate "select for fs control" (but im not 100% sure about this point) now, in your macro file you have several numbers you have to fill these into the parameter field for the according button but you are probably going to have the difficulty that most buttons wont be recognized of the saitek panel/s - where the program SPAD can help, but its not a reliable solution in my opinion alternatively - probably the better solution i gave up on the saitek panels and got the mcp combo panel from vrinsight saitek is good for the basics, but the panels wouldnt please me... then you can use this HERE theres more to come on that page btw ;-)
  4. alright, its online :grin: at HBE66.com thank you again
  5. aah yeah, you once gave me the tip in regards to backup/restore capabilities ill see to do that this time =) thank you!
  6. hi pete, thank you i found the problem i tried unpluging the usb cables and pluging them back in again now everything works perfectly
  7. ive just checked the axis assignments, and it seems the assignments have gone to dev-null :grin: i can now actually see things moving in the calibration just that even with calibration, things still seem jumpy i set both min and max values for the used leavers, all without reverse zone all slopes are on 0 and i tried it with and without filter if i increase both mixture leavers, the right one moves smoothly, while the left one sort of hangs at the center and then jumps to the top when i reach the top and the throttle behaves even stranger, first the right one moves faster, then arround the center the left leaver overtakes the right one, and just before max the right one takes the lead again :shock: can be entertaining, but when trying to handle an aircraft its a pain :mrgreen:
  8. im not complaining, its a masterpiece you have developed there, im rather looking for a solution :grin: fsx 3d cockpit: when i push both throttles to full power, one goes full and the other only half and basically the same problem with the mixture leavers could it be that the axis assignments have dissapeared after the update?
  9. hehe, thank you for the offer, but ill try managing myself :wink: dont want to ask too much id probably have to think through everything myself too to be sure everything fits logically somehow the antiice buttons bug me, but maybee theres also no other reasonable way :grin: would you mind if i post your coding on my future site hbe66.com ? im thinking of linking my fsx experiences and things learned on there basically as a refference and so others can also enjoy an easier experience :grin:
  10. next problem :blink: since i updated from fsuipc 4.60a to 4.645 the throttle and mixture axis seemed to be a little off track no big deal i thaught, so i went to axis calibration (which i already used before) but now fsuipc doesnt seem to recognize any axis =/ yet in axis assignment they seem to get recognized what can this be?
  11. yep it works =) id preffer another assignment of some buttons but i guess i can live with it ;-) or ill see if i can manage reassigning myself when i save the flight and load it again (after having closed fsx) it will actually display the full text maybe its just a bug when switching aircraft
  12. haha, alright im deleting them =) its probably just me, i saw some additional stuff so i go and install it aswell :grin: thank you and sorry pete ;)
  13. thank you very very much kosta! :-D i dont know if it has any meaning, but at point 9, when i loaded the c172 i got "VRI Handle used: handleVRI" and when i changed to the js41 i only got "VRI Handle used: handl"
  14. lol, it seems i have understood something wrong :grin: new, but not that new ive used it on the prior fsuipc version 4.60a i assume i dont have any PFC device :blink: its only the vri mcp panel im trying to connect then i also have some saitek stuff, but that basically works i think this question should be cleared =) serialfp2 starts with com4 and if thats used its com10 does that matter? i basically thaught ill leave some space between one range and the other having the actual hardware link bellow 50 and the virtual ports above i basically closed down serialfp2 and vpse because the pfc check wouldnt list any com port once those 2 applications wherent running, i could refresh and i had a port to choose from probably ill need to disable the pfc check somehow and carry on as i did with 4.60a thank you pete
  15. hi pete :grin: ive now got 4.645 installed (thaught ill start a new thread for this) ive updated the ini file with the following, according to the vri pdf: [VRInsight] 1=COM10, COM50 [VRInsight.FMER] Lua=JS41_VRIH.lua DriverReads=YES DriverWrites=YES when i now start fsx, the PFC control connection check starts up, and sais: version of fsuipc module: FSUIPC okay. all options available 4.645 com serial port port connection: none so i click, change port and COM4 shows up in the dropdown soo i select COM4 and click retry it takes a while and then i get "COM4 open okay" but bellow everything shows a red X next to "mode control panel (MCP) connection:" i get "No expected result received!" which is the panel im using what can this be? PS: if i change the com10 in the ini to com4, it will show com10 in the dropdown and i tried loging some com-port action if that might be any help PFCFSX.log what i found kind of strange about the fsuipc.log was: 1591 VRI port 1 "COM10" opened 1591 VRI driver port 1 "COM50" failed to open i presume it is correct if i dont run serialFP2 nor portemulator
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