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Posts posted by felixk2

  1. I also have a Garmin Aera 500 and was wonding if I could just use the USB to connect to my computer since I have FSX running on my laptop. Is a USB-Serial cable necessary to make this work with GPSout?

    I did get my Aera 550 working with GPSOut. It took me weeks to figure out that I was using a bad serial to usb adapter. I went to my local computer store and bought another model and it worked fine.

    Problem with the Aera 500s is that they don't sell a Serial cable. Instead they sell a $60 (i hate garmin sometimes) bare wire cable. So you need to have a soldering iron and a visit to radioshack to buy a serial female cable. I had to solder the pins according to the serial port pin layout.

  2. Hi Pete,

    Thanks for the response.

    I have FSUIPC installed on my FSX. It sends GPSOut to WideFS connected on another computer. My Aera is connected to the other computer via a serial connection.

    I setup the widefs client to connect to COM4 which is where my GPS is connected. I can verify that WideFS is working properly because

    1. In the logs it successfully connects to COM4.

    2. My serial to usb has a RX/TX light, and i see it light up every second (i set the delay in widefs to be 1000 so that it sends data to my GPS every second).

    The Aera 550 has "Aviation In" as well as various other options (and I have WideFS set to AV400). I have a feeling I am probably just not setting the baud rate correctly.

    On a side note, before i started this i wanted to see if i can read NMEA data out from the Aera. I connected to the com port with hyperterminal and a baud rate of 9600. I see various characters flying by, but they aren't NMEA sentences. Just random ASCII characters. I figured I must have the wrong baud rate, so i tried them all and still nothing.

    Anyway... I was searching on the forums here, and noticed 1 person with an Aera 500 that was able to get it working. So i'm still hopeful i just have an incorrect setting somewhere.



  3. Hi,

    I am trying to connect my Garmin Aera to GPSOut. I have widefs connected to COM4 (where my GPS is), but for some reason it doesn't work. I have Sentences set to AV400, and my GPS is in simulation mode. Widefs is connected, and I can see Widefs sending data on the serial port to the GPS.

    Anyone successfully get their Aera working in such a manner?



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