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Posts posted by baali

  1. Yay it's back! :)

    I didn't realize this window had a maximize option when right clicking on it, things go different for some programs in windows 7 and I get used to not starting with the most basic troubleshooting :D But of course, fsuipc did have that option, and i brought it back! Thank, you for the idea :) It either went out of my screens or so small I couldn't see it.  Back to building the cockpit then :)

    Thank you again! 


  2. Hi,

    first of all let me say how awesome your program is :) 

    I tried to look into the forum a bit deeper but didn't find any info about this problem. 

    I'm building a cockpit with a friend of mine and I'm using the console log window to check which buttons in the aircraft use an offset and which I'll need to use a macro for.

    I used it for several fsx starts but somehow now every time I start the log, to display in the console window, it just appears and disappears instantly before I could see anything on it. Before i was able to look at it perfectly on my second monitor.

    I hope the solution is really easy cause I'd hate to open the log files every time i push something :) Must be something I changed accidentally but I don't remember changing anything. Didn't install new addons either. I updated my fsuipc from 4.5 to 4.6xx whatever the newest version is :) and I still can't open the log window. I can see the window on the tray though, even in task manager but I can't switch on it and make it display. It's like its permanently minimized.

    I'm using fsx on windows 7, 64 bit.

    Thank you guys for any help you can provide.


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