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Posts posted by FlightLevel41

  1. I always find it's optimised altitudes way out for my B737 or B738. I'm going to have to work through the aircraft files for them to see what's wrong -- they were supplied to me by one Stamatis Vellis (who I don't think is flying sims these days) a long time ago. I don't suppose you have any good advanced model B737 or 738 Jepp aircraft files?

    Thanks for the updated version, it's working as it should.

    As for the B737/8 model data files. I do have some but they are for our company BBJ's. I cannot give that kind of data out. have you used the Model Exchange service that Jepp has on their website?

  2. Okay, done.

    Version 2.11 if FStarRC works fine with FliteStar 9.521 build 15211. Tested here under Win7 okay. Download it from the Downloads subforum.

    Hey, I like the new free internet weather facilities in this update to Flitestar, but do you know how to get the Wind data automatically inserted into the Report and used in the fuel and time and best altitude computations?




    Thanks for your work. That download link is giving me a 404 error.

    I love the weather too. I don't know why it took them so long to get live weather inside FS.

    In order to get the wind data implemented on a log make sure that you have "Get Winds from Jeppesen WX (Updates NavLog only; NOT a full WX briefing)" checked as well as the sub checked "Route Optimization for Winds (from Jeppesen WX) checked when you are building your routes.

    For the best altitude computations: Use via the route-pack box or click on the route magenta line "Optimize Altitudes".



  3. FStarRC would save a log file too. You are using the latest FStarRC (2.10) aren't you? And using it to start FliteStar as per instructions? What was the previous version of FliteStar which it worked okay with?

    Looks pretty much unchanged, although mine doesn't have 2 decimal places for fuel and distance values -- is that new or an option you've set? -- nor seconds in the timing, only hours and minutes. How does the printed Report compare with the last version you had FStarRC working with?

    You could setting "Log=Debug" in the FStarRC.ini file, then rerunning and printing a typical report. That'd produce a huge log. ZIP it and send to petedowson@btconnect.com. Can't promise anything though. I might have to wait to see if I can update my copy without too much expense.

    It'll be much more than that -- mine is a Worldwide Corporate FliteMap version (takes GPS inputs and operates as a moving map too). Last time I updated (Jan 2008) it cost a few hundred Euros I think.



    1. Yes. i am using 2.10 and using it as you readme file outlines.

    2. The decimal places are just the options that I always use. I've used the same with the previous version 9.4.7. I cannot say or remember that I see any difference in the format of the display of the nav log.

    3. The log is very small:

    0 ********* FstarRC, Version 2.10 by Pete Dowson *********

    0 Sending RC plans to: C:\Users\Stratox\Documents\Flight Simulator Files\

    0 Error: no Base for for MFC42.dll

    0 Error: no Base for for MFC71.dll

    0 Error: couldn't hook DrawTextA

    0 Error: no Base for for MFC42.dll

    0 Error: no Base for for MFC71.dll

    0 Error: couldn't hook DeleteDC

    63024 ********* FstarRC Log file closed *********


  4. I'm using 9.3 on Windows 7 (64-bit) with no problems in FStarRC. Jeppesen keep changing things to mess me up, but not usually on minor increments. What exactly happens? Can you show me an example of the Report output format? FStarRC is dependent upon scanning the printer output so that's relevant.

    I'm making inquiries now about updating my copy -- if it isn't too expensive I might get it. That might be the fastest way to sort it out.


    Hello, Thanks for replying.

    Nothing happens really. When I click print it just prints a log. Nothing come up regarding your FStarRC.

    I created a sample flight for you. I just took a capture of the screen. If you need more let me know. I think it's like 70 for a upgrade. Not too sure though...



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