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Posts posted by eja738

  1. I recently purchased the GoFlight RP48 module. Trying to use the GFConfig application to configure the Speed Hold function and it not being present led me to registering FSUIPC4 and try there. I want to program the speed to one button but the commands are AP_PANEL_SPEED_ON for turning the speed hold on, and AP_PANEL_SPEED_OFF, for off. Now I can set it up to where only one to a button, but is there a way to have both on 1 button so that I can free up the other? Also when I do this the LED on the "games" auto-pilot (not on the GoFlight Module) does not turn on or off. So I cant really tell if its actually working. I hope this isn't a double post, I tried searching for this within these forums and google hasn't been my friend on this problem. Thanks.


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