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About Kenny

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    Sailing and Flight Simming

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  1. Hello again Pete. Thanks for the prompt reply, I appreciate it. I did not mean any offence when I refered to page 7. I was only trying a quick scan scan of the doc to find out why I was now getting the error message when I wasn't before installing the new version. You are right of course, I am not a techie by any means and there are so many addons for FS it is hard for someone like myself to understand them all, especially when things happen unexpectedly. I will now go back and try to figure out why FS is giving me a Third Party error message after the install of FSUIPC 3.70 when it was not before. I will go back a version and see what happens. Regards...Kenny
  2. Hello Pete, please forgive me if I have missed something in the Documentation for FSUIPC ver 3.70. It automatically detected my reg.key and tells me that I have a registered version. However, I am now getting a Third Party error message in FS regarding fsflightmax.dll. the dll is in the [oldmodules] line in FS. I then checked the FSUIPC log file and it recognises the dll but it has not picked up the key for it. I am still using FS2002 and the FSUIPC front window does not have the button for registering an application program, as per page 7 in the doc. Could you please advise me how to add the key for fsflightmax. I am aware of the list of keys in your Sticky post. I have never needed to add a key before so am unsure of the procedures. Regards...Kenny
  3. Hello again Pete, Thanks for continuing to monitor this topic. I don't know how you keep track of it all :D . I suppose that practise makes perfect. I have your controls document and have read through it. I won't take up more of your time and ask you to explain it all here. I'll go through it and tinker with things slowly and carefully after backing up!!!! You are probably smiling at my attempts to " walk " with this. I feel I am still at the crawling stage. I haven't even figured out how you get to do the quote sections that you do in your replies to my posts. eek I appreciate your input and more importantly your contribution to the FS community. As a non techie I can only marvel at the programmes you produce and thank you for them. I only use FSUIPC and must admit to taking it for granted up to now. By the way, now that we have figured this out my poor " Co-Pilot " is in for an ear bashing via Voice Buddy!!! :D Thanks again
  4. Hello Frank, Hi to Pete and the rest of the Guys. Thanks for the suggestion Frank. As I said to Pete I,m not really a dabbler with my Sim. It's only this Voice programme that's got me tinkering. However after having looked at all the Magneto key settings it became clear that this was what the key should be. I also have discovered that the Concorde engine ignition switch will stay "on" until the engine fires. I will have to tidy the bmp a bit to make it suitable for my panels but it now works via Voice Buddy. Now that I know it works I can take the time to try out various other engine switches and see if the Magneto Start will work for them also. If you read this also Pete, you did suggest using The M key to select the Magneto so obviously this is the way to go. It probably seems straighforward to you but I'm not really clued up on how the gauges work. In my Dash7 panel the M+ and - keys alter the zoom factor. I'll look at that in the assignments page of FS. Thanks to you all for helping out. A problem shared is a problem halved
  5. Hi Eric. No, I'm not doing a full cockpit, do you want a divorce on your conscience? :D My wife thinks I'm crazy as it is!! I'm just using my pc but am trying to make everything work by voice control, everything but the engines unfotunately. Thanks for your input.
  6. Ahah, now I'm getting somewhere. I knew if I went to the right person I would get the info. Now, where to get a spring-loaded partly-latching toggle switch? :D
  7. Yes, that's been at the back of my mind. It's just that probably like most Simmers, I try to keep things as authentic as possible. In this case though the Autostart looks like the only option at present. Thanks for taking the time to help me, my knowledge base on techie. things is not great. I will mail eDimensional for their input and post here when I get a reply. If they can help then it is always another piece of the puzzle for folks. Regards...Kenny
  8. Hi Pete. I mailed your private mail address by mistake the other evening and you asked me to post any further questions via this Forum. Thanks for the quick reply. I have not as yet seen a way to "hold" a key press in Voice Buddy. Will investigate further. Regards...Kenny
  9. Hello again Pete. Thanks for the prompt reply to my mail. Sorry for the intrusion. I am still trying to assign a key that flips on and stays on until an engine fires up. I am using Voice Buddy to orally operate switches like the Battery, Avionics,Lights etc. No problem with these as the switch simply flips on and off as required under voice control. The problem I have is with keys that have to stay in an "on" position until the engine starts. The switches at present require me either to hold the mouse button down or hold a key down until start up. A single press and release merely toggles the switch on and off. Voice Buddy does not appear to have a "repeat" function which would "Hold" the switch. Perhaps this is outwith the functions of FSUIPC. I am trying it this way as I cannot seem to find a key in FS Assignments that repeats without being held down. Perhaps some of the members have knowledge of an engine switch that simply flips on to achieve startup. Please appreciate that I am just finding my feet with this only since starting to use Voice to control switches. I hope that I have made sense with this post. Regards...Kenny
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