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  1. That did the trick! Now to figure out how to register it... (Key? What key??) *edit* Ahh... I see how that works now. I should buy the full version if only to reward your patience with me :D Do you accept money orders from the States? Thanks again! -John
  2. Thanks! I'll give that a shot and let you know what happens. -John
  3. An aside: I googled the phrase "failed to find a valid simconnect" and got a hit on this forum thread: http://www.simforums.com/Forums/topic29041.html I did not go through all those gyrations when reinstalling FSX. I just popped in the disks and let them load. Could that be related to the problem?
  4. Sorry for the delay. I had some problems finding the forum. :unsure: Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.638 Looking in registry for FSX install path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0 Parameter"AppPath" ... >>> OK! FOUND FSX! <<< ... Looking in registry for ESP install path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft ESP\1.0 Parameter"AppPath" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft ESP\1.0 Parameter"SetupPath" ... NOT found! ... Looking in registry for Prepar3D install path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\LockheedMartin\Prepar3D Parameter"AppPath" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LockheedMartin\Prepar3D Parameter"SetupPath" ... NOT found! ... =========================================================== INSTALLATION FOR FSX: AppPath="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\" Checking version of FSX.EXE: ... Version 10.0.61637.0 (Need at least 10.0.60905.0) Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect: Found SimConnect build 60905 (Original), but this is not correctly installed! Found SimConnect build 61242 (SP1 May07), but this is not correctly installed! Found SimConnect build 61259 (Acc/SP2 Oct07), but this is not correctly installed! ... Failed to find a valid SimConnect needed to use FSUIPC4!
  5. Thanks for the quick reply. I have conducted a search on my hard drive and don't seem to have a folder called "modules" associated with FSX. This is the error message the installer pops up: "Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.60a Looking in registry for FSX install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0 Parameter"SetupPath" ... >>> OK! FOUND FSX! <<< ... Looking in registry for ESP install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft ESP\1.0 Parameter"SetupPath" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft ESP\1.0 Parameter"AppPath" ... NOT found! ... =========================================================== INSTALLATION FOR FSX: AppPath="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\" Checking version of FSX.EXE: ... Version 10.0.61637.0 (Need at least 10.0.60905.0) Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect: ... Probe Manifest fails to match a valid SimConnect needed to use FSUIPC4!" It's C:\Program Files\AICarriers\ jsimconnect-0.7 It's an executable jar file (please bear with me when I state stuff you already know; I'm way over my head here)...
  6. All, I've been having fits getting my FSUIPC to install. It gives an error message saying that my simconnect is an incorrect version or not found (don't remember the exact wording). I have tried everything I can think of to fix simconnect, including a complete uninstall and reinstall of FSX. Info: I'm running XP media. I have FSX Gold with Acceleration and all updates. I have also successfully run AICarriers2 without any problems (there are some files labeled "simconnect" in the AI Carriers folder) What do I need to do to get this resolved?
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