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Posts posted by liazkam

  1. Sorry Pete, I was unclear.

    FSINN allows transmitting and receiving on both COM1 and COM2. You choose which one is used by the "transmit on COM1" or "transmit on COM2" accordingly.

    I'm not sure whether the receive both comms works. Haven't tried it.

    I would be happy if other VATSIM pilots comment about how they use COM1 and COM2 in FSINN.

    Almost forgot Pete, happy new year.

  2. What do you use it for? It's never come up in the 12 years of FSUIPC -- seems a little odd to see it requested now.



    Pete, I won't agrue with you, It is odd. But nevertheless, I found it very useful. Especially for my usecase:

    I bought recently a Saitek radio panel, using the SPAD driver. So it's very easy setting frequencies for COM1 and COM2, but I still need to reach for the keyboard, each time I wish to choose on which COM to transmit.

    I had some free buttons on my Joystick and Quadrant, but very few, and I find a new use for buttons each day. In FS, there is different keystroke for each COM. Thus, I had to set two buttons for COM1 and COM2.

    So I wondered, why do I need two buttons, when I can do the same action with one. And FSUIPC solved that for me.

    It's extremely useful when flying VATSIM in big airports, where you have to go pretty fast through Ground-Tower-App-Center, and back when landing.

    When i can do it without the keyboard.

    I hope I convinced that my usecase is not that odd.

    Actually I don't understand why Saitek havent put those buttons on the Radio Panel.

    I tried using SPAD for that function, maybe use long press on ACT/STBY to choose that COM. But then, one has to choose a specific COM on the knob, and then make a long press. Reaching for the keyboard is easier.

    Thanks again.

  3. Don't they toggle anyway? You can only have one on at a time in any case.

    To make an ordinary push-button into a toggle switch you need to use the switches flag (in FSUIPC) to "latch" it, so it does one thing on one press and the other thing on the next press. You can only do that by editing the entries inthe FSUIPC INI file. Please refer to the section in the Advanced Users guide entitled COMPOUND BUTTON CONDITIONS. Take note of the statement that each button has a flag which changes from "true" to "false" or vice versa on each button press, so the button's own flag can be used as the condition for it to choose one action or the other. Two lines in the INI file.

    Have a read and come back if you have more questions,



    Works like a charm.

    Thanks a lot Peter.

    Can you please consider toggling between COM1 and 2 a ready-made operation in the next versions of FSUIPC?

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