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andrew 737

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  1. Yes I have a few WX files but not totally right. Even then one is bound to that location in the world. I have asked (in the same context as ou previous e mail) and they said they would BUT 'Later' they are busy with vector I think.
  2. The problem is one is reliant on the real world weather conditions over the period of about a month. I cannot choose to set Cat I, Cat II or Cat III weather conditions - a real shame
  3. FSGRW 'Does' sync weather over multi pc's & extremely well. Wideview doesn't provide weather & and sadly syncs it badly when it is provided to it
  4. Hey Pete Wideview does sync weather, just not very well or very efficiently. I get s better result and better perf using FSGRW. The problem with FSGRW is that you can't select your own WX!
  5. LOLOLWill Do Thanks Pete A EDIT - I wish we could connect a single WideFS Client to Multiple WideServers in this way!!! That'd solve All my issues
  6. Hi Pete Thanks for getting back to me via mail - appreciated. On another note Can you please advise on these parameters mention in your quote above? Thank You Pete
  7. Hi Pete A simple yes or no will do :)
  8. Hi Pete Please may I have your e mail? I'd like to message you. Thanks A
  9. Hi Pete Hmmm ok. With prosim and the new flight model it was achieved a lua could control lights on the flight model to all pc's - could we not do it this way?
  10. Pete What would happen if I activated wide server in both pc's - would this work/be ok? Thanks EDIT - scratch that!!! Bad idea as this would probably mess with my Sky Demon utility FSX Flight?!
  11. Hi Pete Wideview does not do a good job with cloud sync. In my 737 I use FSGRW which does all the WX synchronisation over 4 pcs but does not have selectable WX like Cat I, II & III. Not worried about wind socks and cloud movement at such low vis settings and wanted to make a potential lua script (that may handle my request) simple. Could we not use a Lua script for these categories of visibility? Thanks
  12. Hi Pete I want to use FSI Panel Instructor Station. I believe it requires FSUIPC to work (great) and therefore will work using WideFS. FSI panel has a WX engine and can provide Cat I, Cat II and Cat III WX. My problem is I need to send this WX to my FSX server (which happens using Wide Server on Server PC and Wide FS on ancillary PC); but my Wideview client PC also needs to get this info. I only want to send visibility to the clients and NOT wind info. How can I achieve this?
  13. Thanks Pete EDIT - Hi again Pete Would deleting the contents of my modules folder (only FSUIPC in there) be the same as sing the un-installer or does FSUIPC alter anything (registry etc) in Windows?
  14. Thanks Pete EDIT - Hi again Pete Would deleting the contents of my modules folder (only FSUIPC in there) be the same as sing the un-installer or does FSUIPC alter anything (registry etc) in Windows?
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