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Posts posted by jdf008

  1. Hello,


    I had asked a direct question to an author concerning the necessity to acquire a supplemental "ädd-on".


    Due to the various conflicting opinions which I have read on the numerous web sites, I broached the question; however, it was received, not answered, but my request seemed to have upset the author to the extent that my approach has been blocked.


    I wished, merely, to ascertain whether it is absolutely necessary to obtain the WideFS, to use with Plan-G and  FSUIPC4, as I did in the past with the initial software. 

    My technical know-how is limited. I have the registration information if it is required to appease and to obtain a definitive answer. Therefore, is it a technical requirement to use, both, the FSUIPC4 and the WideFS in order to run the Plan-G on a networked computer, they being, a laptop and a desktop machines.


    The reason for my question arises from the "confusing" statements regarding the various FSUIPC versions and the corresponding Microsoft flight simulator versions. Also, the recent information regarding the compromise of the application and its potential impact, necessitating another outlay of money for an already purchased software.


    It is not my intention to upset or annoy anyone. However, I do feel that, in the spirit of mutual co-operation, I should ask the question before purchasing the software and not be able to utilise if to its full potential, as was the case with the first program.


    My sincere apology to the author for having impinged his time. Nevertheless, the question remains, simply, "Do I need to purchase the WideFS in order to play with the Plan-G program".  Should you find my question so offensive or intrusive, as you have cogently noted, which the previous post seemed to have elicited, and that it needs approval from a moderator before it is shown and the restriction lifted, then, it is your prerogative. Please, do govern yourselves, accordingly. Does one forfeit one's prerogative to question the veracity of information posted and as to the sufficiency of a payware? Surely, you must have read the initial, direct message to the author otherwise, the response is deemed to be unreasonable.


    As you may have noticed, I have deleted the previous request for information. There is a sufficiency scams, pirates, poachers and confidence tricksters prowling the internet with dis-information that everyone ought to be able to obtain correct and valid information for any product before spending their hard earned monies. Str

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