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  1. thanks, my mistake. Don Whyte
  2. hi Pete Would you mind reposting the topic to User Contributions for me? I am a bit unsure how to do it properly and as I am travelling I won't have time to figure it out myself. Don Whyte
  3. Pete, how do I repost? I tried cut and paste to the User Contributions subforum but got a warning that I was posting too many images. Don Whyte
  4. IanP, that is very interesting. I have attempted to set the pop-up screen positions and sizes in the panel.cfg but was unable to do it properly. There is also a problem with the panel sizes changing when you go from full screen mode to windowed mode and back again. When I looked at the SDK I couldn't find the relevant info. This is also coupled with a problem in Windows 7 (and maybe XP) when running multiple monitors with AMD's Eyefinity product. I want 3 Eyefinity grouped monitors off an HD5850 video card and 1 or 2 other monitors driven by a 2nd 5850. All the monitors are the same model. I can position the monitors in the Windows display control panel or in the Catalyst control panel but the positions and even the resolutions of the 4th and/or 5th monitors change back to some other setting when I reboot Windows. And the resolutions are put into some not native value. However if I ungroup the monitors then Windows seems able to remember the positions/resolutions. This is occurring in three different computers.
  5. Mr. Dowson: I am sure this question has been posted many times but here goes... I would like to get a registered copy of FSUIPC as I am told that it will allow window screen positions to be locked in FS9 or FSX. Every time I open a saved flight I have to resize and relocate the instrument panels into the 4th and 5th monitors I'm using for panels. Locking would be a great benefit if it means they would reliably appear in the proper location. Does this also work in windowed mode and full screen mode and switching between the two modes? thanks Sir Don W
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