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Posts posted by Pistolero63

  1. You can't have different axes assigned to the same controls unless the ones out of use are completely quiescent, which means parking them in a dead zone -- one you have to calibrate at either extreme of the throttle movement. Far better to make assignments to specific aircraft, or better, switch to Profiles and make two profiles, one for each way of assigning things. Then calibrate in the profiles too, making each calibration suit the specific control and aircraft type.



    I think I understand. When you say profiles do you mean a single engine profile and a multiengine profile? I think I saw the directions on how to do that.

  2. I am new to this and am trying to configure my throttle and yoke via FSUIPC. I would like to use the yoke controls for the C152/C172 and use the throttles for other twin engine aircraft. Unfortunately, there seeems to be a conflict. The throtle and the mixture, 1 and 5, need to be in the forward position for the yoke throttle and mixture to work properly. I can give more details if needed. thak you for your help.

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