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Mike Sierra

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Posts posted by Mike Sierra

  1. Den Trick kenne ich, der liefert mir aber nicht die Umgebungsvariablen wie "CurrentUserAppDataForder". Ich meine, daß es bei den früheren Win-Versionen sowas wie "SysInfo" gegeben hat, wo man die herauskitzeln konnte. Offenbar führt ein XP dieses Programm nicht mehr.

    Zu den UserAccounts: Eigentlich habe ich nur eins, das des Standard-Users "Mike Sierra", der gleichzeitig auch Admin ist. Spart mir das abwartende User-Auswählen beim Booten, sondern XP startet gleich bis in den Desktop durch.

    Worum's mir gegangen wäre ist das einbinden möglichst kurzer Pfadnamen (das ZIPModul im FSSM erlaubt nur maximal 90 Zeichen lange Pfad- und Dateinamen). Aber ich denke, alleine die Möglichkeit, daß der FlySim womöglich die STATE.CFG's der einzelnen Flieger mit als mögliche Entscheidungs"hilfe" zum Szeneriedatenbank-Anlegen hernimmt, läßt mich den Gedanken wieder fallen lassen.

    Außerdem denke ich mir, Andragar, hast Du mittlerweile den Kopf auch schon in anderen Projekten drin. Der FSSM ist gut, so wie er ist.

  2. Andere Indexdateien gibt's keine - soweit ich das in den Verzeichnissen gefunden habe.

    Was passiert? Genau dasselbe, wie wenn man eine neue Scenery.Cfg geschrieben hätte.

    Ich hatte schon an den Startup-Flug gedacht, aber ohne Kenntnis der Umgebungsvariablen für den Pfad ist der zu lang für das ZIPModul vom FSSM.

    Gab's da nicht mal ein Programmchen, mit dem man sowas wie die Umgebungsvariablen abfragen konnte? Sowas ähnliches wie "sysinfo" oder so? Es will mir nicht mehr einfallen...


  3. Welche Dateien schließt der FS2004 (FS9.1) bei der Entscheidung, ob die FS-Szenerie-Datenbank beim FlySim-Start neu erzeugt werden soll, ein?

    Meine derzeitige (default)-File-Liste (siehe unten) des FSSM scheint nicht alle Dateien zu umfassen.

    Wer weiß da Rat?










  4. Hi Jay,

    First: Happy Easter!

    Second: I'm afraid that I cannot really be helpful with your problem, but maybe it's a kind of relief for you to know that you are not the only one who gets the feeling of being sent in circles when purchasing at simflight.com....

    Where is the link/button/menu entry where you click onto "register"? I cannot find anything like that in my FSSM - neither in the main window nor in the splash screen. Maybe because I'm already registered?

    I've forwarded your inquiry to M.Garbers, I'm dead sure HE knows what you mean!

  5. Hi Ricardo,

    Your description sounds as if you are in trouble getting the correct scenery database entries (entries to the Scenery.cfg file) for your flightsim.

    Then FSSM may be a handy tool for you!

    It is capable of importing sceneries from downloaded zipfiles, arranging (nearly all) the files to their correct position(s), extracting flatten and exclude switches from the documentation and adding them to the scenery.cfg file.

    And it - to my opinion - it gives plenty of aid for manually adding a scenery already installed to harddisk by an installer routine.

    So why don't you give it a try?

    Just download the latest version, install it, read the manual (! :wink: ) - and if you decide that it really is an improvement for you,

    you might think about registering it (the trial version is fully functional).


  6. Hi Wladimir,

    Although you unluckily chose a completely wrong forum for your question (FSSM is a piece of add-on-software to manage, i.e. to install, delete, rename, backup,...., your scenery collection in a way somehow easier than within MSFS and in another way much more powerfully than with MSFS), I'll try to give you a hopefully satisfying answer:

    Try a web-visit at http://www.flightsim.com or http://www.avsim.com and perform a search for "mesh" or "SRTM" (shuttle radar terrestrial model) and download desired parts of mesh - or landclass - from there.

    Don't be panicked by the need of registering at flightsim.com - it's a serious place and I have not been bothered in any way since my registration about 8 or 9 years ago.

    Within these sites you also might find links to commercial scenery add-ons (payware) - as presented also at http://www.simmarket.com.

    Now what can really be recommended?

    Concerning Austria I strongly recommend the ATP2002 (Austria Professional) scenery. It contains perfect mesh and landclass for the area for Austria with sufficient VFR objects to keep orientation. Although it was optimized for FS2002 and an upgrade to FS2004 (only) is under construction, it is - in my eyes - by far the best 3D scenery for that region. One negative item has to be mentioned: Though it has a perfectly fitting landclass and mesh, the (perfectily fitting) VFR-roads of ATP2002 are doubled by the not-so-perfectly fitting default roads of FS2004. But I think that is an item which one can tolerate quite well, regarding on what one gets with the rest of the scenery!

    Instead of there are several freeware mesh sceneries for the alpine regions, but none of them contains the necessary corrections on landclass information.

    In addition to ATP2002 (homepage http://www.flugwerk.at/) I'd recommend the "Austrian Airports" (http://www.austrianairports.com/index2.htm) for a more naturalistic layout of the main airports of Austria.

    Concerning Switzerland - there's the freeware of Swiss 2004 by Daniel Gauthier (you may find it at http://www.FlightSim.Com - just perform a search on "swiss 2004" or "Daniel Gauthier").

    This package consists of a multitude of single swiss airports enhancements which you might want to combine with the swiss landclass package by Ernst Bosshard (latest version was ebchlc8.zip).

    Personally I use the mesh scenery of the TerraMesh Scenery (2 CDs) for the area of Switzerland (payware), so I have not sufficient information about possibly other Swiss freeware mesh.

    OK so far for this.

  7. Hi Rackie,

    Thanks for your comment. To be honest, I've tried to include the main part of my explanation (that concerning the ranking of layers and hierarchy) into the new version of the manual.

    If you don't have the latest version (FS Scenery Manager v1.7sp1 - english.pdf or FS Scenery Manager v1.7sp1 - deutsch.pdf, respectively, both dating from Dec.13,2003), go and download it from the FSSM homepage.

    Otherwise take a look to pages 14 to 17. There a similar explanation should be available.

  8. You may link the database files of FSNavigator to your Scenery.Cfg files.

    The only thing you will have to do is to use the backup feature of FSSM:

    Edit your backup file list and add the files for FSNavigator by adding these two lines:



    THEN you may create a new Scenery.Cfg, let FsNavDbC create the according database files for FSNavigator, start MSFS to have the respective scenery database of the flightsim created.

    Leave MSFS and let FSSM create a backup of these files.

    Repeat these steps as often as you want, building up a kind of backup collection for all your scenery combinations.

    When switching from one Scenery.Cfg to another Scenery.Cfg you only will have to let FSSM re-import the according backup - no need for creating any new database.

    Unless you add any NEW scenery to your collection.

  9. Glad I could explain (how hard I did can be counted by words! :D )

    Indeed the "bottom of page" in FSSM is the last entry in the Scenery.Cfg file (the physical file!) and will be found in the first line in FS2004 scenery library, carrying the highest Layer number.

    Creating the "Scenery Levels" within the scenery list of FSSM only is a tool of structuring the maybe endless queque of list entries, moving blocks of entries up or down, sorting blocks of entries or including/excluding whole blocks of entries.

    To avoid FS2004 overriding the information within FS9\scenery\*.bgl with FS9\AddonScenery\scenery\*.bgl (which can only be, if the latter folder is in a lower line within the FSSM scenery list), you simply might NOT include the AddonScenery folder to your next Scenery.Cfg.

    Of course, then you won't find your AFCAD information(s).

    But I think, creating a Scenery Level within FSSM, moving the "AddonScenery" list entry into there and moving this Level to the lowest possible position in the FSSM scenery list is the most feasible way to guarantee the correct computation by FS2004.

    Now I think about transferring my above explanation to the next version of manual... :?:

  10. Now, that's what I feared, when posting "part 1": one wrong keystroke and a good deal of part 2 went to no-where....

    now: "PART 2":

    Personally I do not put ANY scenery to the "AddonScenery" path! Personally I have the default scenery installed with the FS2004 on one harddisk and all addon sceneries installed to a second (physical!) harddisk. So two harddisks are able to search for scenery simultaneously

    In addition: When you add your addon scenery to "AddonScenery", you EITHER cannot add more than one layer of scenery OR cannot add scenery files as obviously demanded by AFCAD2.

    If you have - an example! - the following scenery entries:




    that's ok. "ONE" will get Layer=X, "TWO" will get Layer=Y and "THREE" Layer=Z, representing three different entries in the Scenery.Cfg.

    But if you now add the path


    to the above list, this will spoil your complete scenery display and scenery library! FS200x reads as follows:

    a) the scenery of "one"

    b) the scenery of "two"

    c) the scenery of "three"

    d) the scenery of "AddonScenery" - and that also includes one, two and three, giving a muddle...

    So what I recommend is:

    try to install your addon sceneries to different paths! (Using FSSM you may want to use the feature of "MOVE SCENERY ON DISK" to do so!) No absolute need of a separate harddisk, but simply to a path outside the FS2004 root directory, resulting in:

    D:\FS2004 - as the path for your flightsim,

    D:\FSSCENE - as (an example for) your scenery collection

    and within D:\FSSCENE you may add further subfolders to be able to separate the proper sceneries from each other.

    So - as a suggestion - I have created a complete folder tree:










    and added further subfolders to the main folders for either regions (as in Europe) or sceneries themselves (as in Russia):



















    If you now have to add your AFCAD files to the AddonScenery folder of FS2004, there is no longer any problem:

    FS9\AddonScenery\scenery - will contain all the necessary AFCAD2-.BGL-files you need. No collision with other sceneries.

    In the scenery list (either within FS2004 or within FSSM) you simply have to take care that your AFCAD2 - entry is as near as possible at the bottom of the scenery list:

    Maybe the best will be to create a separate scenery level (!) for the AFCAD files and place that level next to your "New" level in the scenery list - giving scenery levels as follows:

    "FS2004 default"







    So you may be sure that FSSM puts the AFCAD files to a position where they are displayed correctly within FS2004, as the Scenery.Cfg file will contain:

    FIRST the default sceneries with the default airports

    THEN your possible addon sceneries with addon airports

    THEN the AFCAD2-files for your airports

    and FINALLY possible new scenery still to be tested...


    Long explanation, I hope, I somehow met the point and could help you.

    Otherwise feel free to claim for more precise (and hopefully less voluminous) aid.


  11. Hi kingfish42,

    I'm not familiar with the use of the AFCAD2-Files (yet), but having d/l'ed a specimen for inspection, these are 'regular' BGL-files.

    You are right assuming that FS2004 looks for scenery as well at FS9\scenery\...., as at FS9\addon scenery\.... - AS LONG AS (!) you have both entries added to your Scenery.Cfg.

    Looking at the physical file (using EDIT.EXE or similar) and having included only the default sceneries you should find about 37 entries like this one:








    plus one entry like this:



    Local=Addon Scenery




    Don't let yourself be irritated by the entries for "Active=", "Required", or "Layer=". the essential lines are those for "Title=" and "Local=".

    BOTH entries for "Local=" are relative path definitions, telling FS to look for the sceneries at \Scenery\World(\scenery\*.bgl) for the first entry example and at \Addon Scenery(\scenery\*.bgl) for the second example.

    Mind, that the triangle brackets mark the variable part of the complete path, depending on where you have installed your FS2004 to, and the round brackets include that part of the complete path, which 'is clear' to FS2004, as it always adds this part to ANY path definition internally to find the .BGL-files.

    So far for the two different locations.

    I'm not clear about what you mean with the 'default level of 2'. Please try to explain that further.

    Nevertheless I think I can guess your problem:

    AFCAD2 places its files into the path "Addon Scenery" and requires to have them placed to the highest possible 'Layer' within the Scenery.Cfg file to make FS2004 process them correctly.

    THAT shouldn't be a crucial problem:

    Within the original Scenery.Cfg file you find 38 entries in a certain order, starting with a section of [General] and then [Area.001], following all the rest of [Area.nnn] ('nnn' representing any three-digit number) in ascending order (from 0001 to 038 - or further, if you have already added additional scenery entries).

    Now FS2004 comes to read this file in the same way - starting at [Area.001], ending at [Area.nnn]. Displaying the scenery within FS2004 is now like piling the sceneries upon each other: The BASE is formed by the entry of [Area.001], representing quasi "the planet Earth". Upon this base, FS places a number of additional sceneries, each with a growing level of detail. An example: If you have a scenery entry at [Area.100] displaying a meadow with muddy paths and another scenery showing some trees, you may EITHER add the trees to [Area.101], which would put the trees above the meadow, bringing them to display in FS2004, OR you add the trees to [Area.099], which puts them below the meadow. FS2004 then would try to display the trees first, covering them with the meadow afterwards - hiding them below the grass.

    So you need to position the trees ABOVE the grass to be able to see them from within FS200x.

    What's that now for FSSM?

    The scenery list of FSSM is similar to the Scenery.Cfg file: In the uppermost position the scenery entry for [Area.001] should be placed - note: ANY scenery entry at the uppermost position of the scenery list of FSSM will gain the [Area.001] marking in the resulting Scenery.Cfg file!

    FSSM works through the scenery list from the first line (giving the [Area.001] marking there) to the last line (putting this at [Area.nnn]).

    So to put the trees from above example ABOVE the grass, you will have to put the tree scenery entry into the line BELOW the grass scenery in FSSM. When creating a Scenery.Cfg FSSM will then give [Area.(x)] to the grass, and [Area.(x+1)] to the trees, allowing FS200x to place them ABOVE the grass and keeping them visible.

    And it's the same for the AFCAD2-files.

    You need the original airport data (sceneries) at the base, putting the AFCAD-files ABOVE them.

    - END OF PART 1, part 2 follows.

  12. Hi Joe,

    :oops: Obviously you have found a 'bug', which I myself did not notice - until you mentioned it.

    It indeed WAS updated in a former version of FSSM, and main parts of the manual derive from these former versions.

    But - to be frank - it SHOULD be updated (at least I think, that Michael had the intention to do so, otherwise displaying this field wouldn't make any sense).

    But let me ask you - just out of curiosity: how do you use - or intend to use - this data :?:

  13. Roger,

    From the time-stamp of your last posting I assume that you have not yet tried the latest suggestions.

    What steps do you have tried since your first message?

    At the moment it's bit of difficult to give proper help with no more detailled information about your steps.

    As already said/written: Email the scenery.cfg you are working with as a zipped attachment to my contact email adress. Maybe I can find out what's causing your troubles.

  14. Hi Roger!

    Obviously you are no flightsim-newbie, I myself started simflying with the very first version of the thing at an Apple homecomputer in about 1983 (the first flight), continuing not before the PC version FS2.0 in about 1987.

    FYI: you might be interested in this link: http://simflight.com/~fshistory/fsh/start.htm

    But back to your problem(s) with FSSM:

    - Thanks for additional info.

    - No need to get upset concerning my question about a double installation - I'm sorry, I simply misunderstood your first posting in this case.

    - From your additional information I learn that you already had the problems with v1.6 and tried out with v1.7 in consequence, sadly with the same result.

    - :?: - Did you get a chance to define the FlySim version? Which version did you choose?

    - :!: - There is no need to 'start with an empty Scenery.Cfg' - with which I mean a REALLY empty file with a length of 0.

    Though: There are MANY possibilities within a Scenery.Cfg collection grown over several months, maybe years, so:

    - :!: - If reinstalling FSSM in the described way doesn't help, try the following:

    - go to the FSSM installation folder

    - search up the files FSScenery.DB6 and FSScenerySet.DB6

    - delete both files

    - backup your existent Scenery.Cfg file of either version of MSFS (2k2 or 2k4)

    - strip the Scenery.Cfg from any additional scenery entries, leaving only the 121 (in case of FS2002), or 38 (in case of FS2004) default sceneries.

    - Start FSSM then.

    This causes a) FSSM to completely rebuild its own database and b) eliminates possible problems with ANY add-on sceneries (which sometimes do have strange configurations).

    - :arrow: - If this works, could you send me your full-installation-scenery.cfg via email (see manual, contact adress for Michael Schurz).

    See you,

  15. Hi Roger,

    As far as I've understood your problem, you've installed both v1.6 AND v1.7 of FSSM on your system.

    :?: - What for? (Maybe a stunningly basic question, but I simply cannot figure out, why I should use an older version simultaneously (!) with a newer one....)

    Your OS is WinXP.

    You've done repeated installations of both versions - without success.

    Question: Which version of FlightSim do you have installed on your system? Did you run a proper installation of any MSFS version?

    - If not, you won't ever get FSSM to work.... It needs the registry entries of any (supported) MSFS version.

    Question: Did you ever happen to have a working scenery database with FSSM?

    - If yes, what happened since the last working session?

    Do you have backups of this database?

    - If yes, you could re-install a FSSM scenery database backup as described in the manual

    - If no to either question:

    Suggestion: Try to uninstall BOTH versions separately, booting your system between the two uninstallations.

    Reboot after finishing the second uninstall.

    Then open the directory folder where you've had FSSM removed from - delete all files and folders you find in there (ATTENTION: IF you ever had a running version of FSSM with a working database, preferably create a 1:1 backup before!).

    Only then re-install v1.7 (!) - forget about v1.6! - on your system and reboot (just for safety) afterwards.

    Start up FSSM v1.7 - and keep us informed on any further surprizes!

  16. De-Briefing @ kingfish42

    Now after you seem to go all right, the last step is to remove all "Garb__" entries (pluy sub-keys) from your registry (if you have not done already) to keep it as clean as possible.

    Btw: You use "Hangar Manager": Do / did you know Jacky Brouze's JAB2000? If yes, is Hangar Manager in any way comparable to it?

    Is it also possible to assign any cockpit or any soundset to any aircraft? Activating or de-activating (not by means of zipping and deleting!) aircrafts? organize them into "Hangars" and "Sub-hangars"?

    I gave it a try at a rather early phase, where I was not able to make out its philosophy so I didn't want to risk the shareware fee for an add-on maybe unuseful for my needs. But you seem to be fond of it!

    Thanks for any info (maybe, as it's no longer FSSM related) to my contact email adress: mike_sierra_@hotmail.com. Thanks.

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