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Posts posted by pantoleon

  1. I have to admit that I tried fsnav a loooong time ago..but am not using it now for some reasons and these are probably what I d like in the new version

    1.to run fsnav in a separate computer using widefs.

    now to that there are problems..but if i can have this possibility i would nt mind not beeing able to have AP through fsnav (dont use it anyway).U see i have managed to create a NON-MOUSE dependent cockpit (autopilot and nav etc hardware, fmc hardware, other computers running pM software ) so I use fs just to look outside my front window and if i get fsnav undocked frames get a hit and the view has the blue bars up and down.

    2.enroute low and high airways

    when i use my fms i input a flight plan using the sid and from then on the airways and finally the star for the destination..with fsnav i have to input vor after vor and some times i dont even have all the charts to know whats next... a solution could be (which i havent tried if someone knows please do tell) to make a plan with my PM fms ,then save it as a fsplan and then import it into fsnav in oder to get it displayed correctly.

    3. geographically more info (like a vfr chart or better yet with colouring for mountains rivers sea etc)

    I would like to put on my pit a screen to visualise the aircraft on the map with all other info displayed either for IFR flight or VFR flight

    but then thats just me...and with this hobby of ours new things come out everyday trying to simulate the real stuff so basically i would use fsnav as a GREAT moving map with all kinds of info from a different pc.

    But overall even if none of the above happens i have to congratulate the developers for such a great tool to all simmers

    Thank you


    PS and please get some first release for fsx

    I have suggested to some new sim friends that were lured in simming from fsx promotion,the use of fsnav as the first tool in order to understand flight planning and fms capabilities. they called back that its not out for fsx i got to the site found the suggetion box and put my 2 suggestions on the keyboard ...Still ...they are eagerly waiting for it!!

  2. Dear Pete....dont get so wired up

    I was using tq6 with fs2002 and just calibrated through windows game drivers....set the option for F lever for Flaps..and then in fsuipc checked the increments shown were ok....

    and it worked great with no problem

    So when I put fs9....I cant get the flaps to work correct...

    would that be a more specific or less specific question on the forum u think?

    It just ..and still does ..seemed strange that the in and out values dont match....and that -7 is somewhere in the middle of the lever....

    that might be correct but FOR ME IT LOOKED STRANGE...cause the flaps dont work well so I thought I should mention it...

    especially when I put the lever way up and I get full flaps (can I use one ! here ? I get full flaps with the Lever UP and neither on fsuipc nor on fs internal settings and assignments do I have a rev checked ..I thought its quite strange thus the excl array....).

    and when I lower it nothing happens till that strange point where it becomes flaps 5 (somewhere near the -7) AND if i continue all the way down...it goes AGAIN back ro full Flaps

    About the gf notches again the fs2002 was working fine ...I just had to decide how many increments there are on the specific aircraft ie 5 for cit x

    so I used fsuipc and with flaps up I press "set" on the left for the value to the one showing at that position then with flaps on the 5th increment (NOT fully deployed) i pressed the "set" on the right for that value and click ok....

    miraculously the fsuipc understood where the flap is and how much to deploy the flaps

    I dont know how it was done...and frankly I dont care...it was done I was using the notches and was showing the correct flaps

    END of story....

    FOR fs9 not only cant i get the lever to put flaps up when its up

    and fully deployed when its down...but it is puting flaps 5 somewhere in the middle and full flaps when u push fully down or fully up...

    Without exclamatory signs but still confused

    Any ideas are most welcome..


  3. i just installed fs9 and although everything works fine with the goflight tq6

    the flaps lever calibrate fime with normal raw dara and through fsuipc i have these readings

    in 0

    out -16383 (!!!!!!!!!!!)

    set 163 set 12388

    for 5 increments

    BUT when i have the lever on the middle spot I get a value of in 5705 and out -7 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    so i just cant get the flaps work well with any aircraft

    how can i fix this???

    why does it show neg values in the middle of thw lever ?

    seems like in the 2nd increment of the flaps kever its near 0 and when i move it up it goes to -16383 and when i move it downwards it goes to 16369 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    same goes on spoilers values zeroing somewhere in the midlle of the lever

    fsuipc 3411

    gf 1.5



  4. Griffin I suggest u take a look at the GOFLIGHT FORUM

    heres a ling with some help for the PMDG and GF MCP (but needs Project magenta MCP)


    (copy the link if its broken)

    U need to understand a bit how fsuipc works...as PETE says

    I know that in the begining u ll not understand most of it...since thats what happened to me too...but ita takes time and effort and trying out things with the buttons and the appropriate commands...and see how the airplane reacts

    From what I ve read arround (though I dont fly the PMDG) GF MCP

    is NOT compatible with the PMDF unless u use the Project magenta MCP

    look arround and ...study...

    hope to ve helped

    Dimitris Pantoleon

    EHM615 Greece

  5. Hi again Pete...

    I went off to PM newsgroups and here s what I found after an extensive search...(have to put it down for others...)

    I use the Gf remote software on the client Pc with widefs and GF MCP connected there...

    I deleted the GFMCP.dll from the modules of fs2002 (maybe its not necessary but i did it anyway..)

    and just run fs2002 then widefs and gfremote...

    after that I run the PM mcp and VOILAAAAAAA

    HDG CRS SPEED ALT knobs on the gf mcp work instantly to change appropriate things..

    Also on GF MCP ALT button is doing the ALT HOLD function....(so u keep whatever FL u are and not to GO to that level..

    and BC (which I never used the last two years flying :-)) is asigned automatically for LVL CHG in PM MCP

    I had to use FSUIPC to program a pushbutton in GF P8 for VS for PM VS mode (latest fix by enrico...make sure u download update 382g)

    and the only thing is (as u know it already..) that the led is not on and off on the GF accordingly...BUT u see the VS digits come to life on the GF MCP AND when u use the dwn up wheel of the vertr speed on the gf mcp it works great

    NOW heres the hard part...

    On the fsuipc drop list there is PM MCP A/T on

    and PM MCP A/T off and same for F/D (on and off)

    BUT on the goflight T8 swithes...fsuipc recognises ONLY one button when u toggle one switch up...and doesnt recognise it as a different button when u switch it down....

    so how do I assign the AT and FD switches...

    I tried with Keypress accordingly...but then u have t flip it up in order to send once a keypress...and then flip it down AND UP again to send another keypress

    somewhere in here PETE I reaed about the flag option for a toggle switch...but I have to be honest after reading the advanced users guide I didnt quite understand how to do that for the goflight switces to toggle the a/t of F/d (and in the future maybe the vor1 or adf1 etc etc...)

    Is it possible for u to program a AT switch for PM MCP and FD and then when I assign the goflight switch to automatically detect it on and then off??

    or it would be better if the toggle witch of GF t8 is recognised both on UP mode and down..(now as mentioned before fsuipc sees it only as Up)

    Also...(sorry mate..but i did some digging and need to find some things!!)

    there is no PM MCP STA pushobutton on the drop down list..

    does it have to do that there is no shortcut for sam thing on PM keyboard commands? each of the functions (Show VOR show FIX show NDB etc ) are separately assigned through keyboard command on PM software...

    its easier and more realistic to assign ie for weather radar one button one for STA one for AIRPORTS one for WPTS etc..on a pushbutton..

    all the rest exist, the sta doesnt

    I actually am extremely exited with all this...cause with one rotary pushbutton from gofligt I can assign knobs (tried it with a gf 45 for the ctr knob and works fine) and change VOR APP MAP PLAN mode..and range on the afis...as well as assign the above mentioned buttons

    along with the VS VNAV LNAV and N1 that is missing from the GF mCP

    and u get a fully operational mcp

    so before I go on and buy another GF module

    could u try and help to find a solution with the questions...

    thanks again for the support

    FSUIPC ver 3.201 to let u know..

    (it will be so silly if u tell me these things are fixed with latest versions...!!!! so I apologise in advance if thats the case!!!)

    dimitris pantoleon

  6. Thanks Pete...

    the questions in hand were not directed to u to answer...just took the oportunity to ask other simmers that might see this forum...because gf forum is really not so massive...neither in users nor on replies..

    once again..i thank u for the time spent to answer and i ll post any thing i find in order for other to be able to find easy help...

    gf displays most probably are driven by gf config...software by gf

    fs obs roger..I ll try that...

    pm is updated..but have to double check..thanks for that too

    yes pm newsgroups is a great idea..that actually didnt pass from my mind LOL....

    EICAS and captains side is running on two different pc s using widfs...

    if I control a P8 button through fsuipc and assign it to PM EICAS for something or to PM ND range or whatever..will the other pc recognise it?

    or do I need to use keysend (using keysend values is a time consuming setting I meant..)

    GFmcp is ok...for generic use..default airplanes etc..if u go into more sophisticated package..then there are problems...

    I will try the pm news group thanks..


  7. hi Pete and all simmers

    I have GF MCP and just bought project MCP and RJ software

    but ...

    i am just in the process of setting the PM MCP to work through PM mcp...(not even started to configure the Rj...

    I assigned the PM MCP functions through fsuipc...and I see the following..

    when turning knobs...HDg CRS ALT ...etc the display on the GF mCP doesnt follow the display on the PM MCP....(due to input most probably getting in faster on the GF than on the mcp..and so I cant see the correct digits on the GF mcp...

    also...there is no CRS inc by 10 or dec by 10 for PM mCP CRS on fsuipc menu

    PM MCP VS mode is not recognised when I assign it to one of the GF MCP (the alt button...to be precise)

    and generally the two dont seem to communicate so well or need a LOOOOT of resetting in order to produce the result of having the funtions of the GF MCP (i guess I ll input the LNAV VNAV etc that dont exist on the GF MCP on one of my GFP8 BUT...then the button on the P8 doesnt lit up when one of them is selected...

    since i use no panel on my view of fs2002 and only outside view have everything for captain EIcas and ofcourse the GF MCP for Autopilot...

    and after trying this setup...I think I ll need to have the PM MCP always displayed...which ofcourse is not an option....

    on another topic I saw some simmer..asking same questions about Rj software and PM functions through fsuipc...

    now I ll have more trouble using wide fs on two different pc for captain and EICAS if i need to setup through keysend...all the appropriate commands...and tell u the truth if the PM ND and EICAS are recognised from fsuipc i d like to skip this time consuming process

    then again ..if i choose the option of fs command and select a PM EICAS funtion...for an EICAS that is connected through WIdefs will it be recognised???

    Sorry for the early questions before trying..but I got dissapointed with the GF MCP...

    I even tried the GF remote..and that didnt work since the GF MCP IS NOT configurable throught GF REMOTE as GF T8 or P8 is...in order to be used with PM MCP etc....

    any ideas how to solve this or...better yet...

    if someone has such a setup PLEASE post it here for others to see

    before PETE starts explaining all the possible corrections....

    AND PLEASE dont talk about setting about PMDG 737...


    there other threads to say about that and keyboard commands that

    PMDG uses and inputin them into fsuipc..and GF

    I use p4 2.8 g Intel with Gigabyte M/B intel chipset 1g dual DDR RAM

    gigabyte gforce 5600 128mb and amatrox hd 80 g

    gf mcp is connected through SEPARATE usb self powered hub with no other devices on that hub....and then direct on the pc..

    other compputers are P4 1.6 256 ram

    and a P3 500 mh 192 ram...

    just to make sure.. Widefs and FSUIPC ver 3.201 registered

    and I try to get things going using the freeware falcon 50 (works great with GF MCP without the PM MCP....thats what i used untill now..


    Dimitris Pantoleon

    EHM 615

    will be waiting eagerly with your answers!!!!

  8. latest news...I tried everything...and even tried postkeys=yes

    and though I SEE that teampeak is receiving the key press ( i put f10 for push to talk and goes to connection menu(like file menu) and keeps on pushing..it!!! BUT NO LUCK with the actual push button...in order to transmit...it refuses to recognise it as the one to talk although its set !!!

    Will try to post on the teamspeak forum about it...

    just for the record Keysend through widefs and goflight modules worked great...!!!!!!!wih I had more modules!!!so now I AM SURE I DONT DO SOMETHING WRONG!!!!so I guess its about the keycode input that ts is using!!

    will try to find out...any ideas are welcome..!!

  9. thanks a lot !!!! I ll try it as soon as possible!!

    BTW did u manage to get to assign a button on your yoke or joystic for the client PC that runs teamspeak...

    I tried..but failed...and I did everything Pete told me to do..on this thread


    but eventually it didnt work...maybe ts doesnt recognise the keycode

    any ideas on that department????

    thanks again for fsts I ll let u know how it works out!!

  10. Ok Pete I have to admit that once again after going through all the widefs and fsuipc documentation..I need help

    My steps:

    I used the option and on the FSUIPC Button menu I asked it to have Ch Yoke Button #9 (assigned to nothing else) with the option for FScontrol and "control sent"= Keysend 1-255

    with parameter =1

    not to be repeated when held

    and the same thing for control sent when button is released

    with parameter =2

    On the client pc on which I have teamspeak, I have adjusted the set to key as INSERT which is coded 45 as virtual keycode

    then on the wideclient ini (which connects fine...from the server so no com errors)

    I have the following on the user section







    Ofcourse nothing happens....

    I cant get teamspeak assigned as a push to talk key something like :Shift + A ita takes only The FISRT key (in that case shift)

    so I dont know if the use of 8 and 16 is corect (as the example on the docs,which id from what I undrerstood used for press and release exactly as teamspeak works...)

    and do I have to put the RUN1 to both keysend?

    so how does it know when to press and when to release

    or do I have to put on the fsuipc

    control to repeat while held??

    Sorry but I tried on my own and didnt get there

    FSUIPC and WIDEFS are registered both

    Thanks in advance

  11. Hi dylan...did u actually write the program for TS to run through change of frequency of com on FS ? I have goflight modules and its great but didnt know u can do this.. also i am using widefs and cant get it to recognise the option of sedning the command through FSUIPC (its for rw or avc..and not recognisable if have done the above I d greatly appreciate the help I am also doing the same thing and now am in the process of setting again the sbox and wide fs on a different pc in order to avoid such things ( i only use voice so...no use of SB )

    since i am really not in programming if u could tell me what lines to put in config or wherever would really help me!!!

    thanks in advance

    Dimitris Pantoleon



  12. Hi Pete I just registered my FSUIPC although i am still using ver 2.975 and have no problems with it....

    Still using fs2002 and will not change soon...but I am wondering if Ishould install hte latest version 3.129...or not to go through the trouble..

    Also..I am using GOflight modules with no problems..

    WHat I am interested is if it is possible to find out in various freeware or payware aircrafts (ie Dasssault Falcon 50 as a freeware or Beech Premier I as payware..) the way to programm the buttons for some specific functions especially the overhead panel for the F50 with the 3 motor switches fuel pumps booster and generators...I ve only managed to get the encine all start button through the go flight configuration but have difficulties to instruct a specific key for the above functions as they are not recognisable

    would appreciate any ideas for further experimenting..

    Beware I have no clue of programming nee to read ALL new guides (i still dont understand many things from the old guides) and dont have too much free time to do all this homework...so there s no rush in answering and trying to guide me through since the eventual goal of the project is fisrt to make them work with a key assignement and then purchase more T8 or P8 swithces and combine them for a home cockpit sim experience...

    thanks for all your trouble and help and thanks for THE PROGRAMM for FS

    PS well spent money...should ve done it earlier !!

  13. thank you pete I found the documetation...and tried it out

    it works fine..it s a bit slow leaving the transmission button off..but otherwise fine...now my next step is to try to configure the same joystick button to make the simulator quite (sound on and off) while pressed while transmitting...I tried to do it with the instructions...but somethiing I am doing wrong I programmed the letter R to send the KEysend while pressing the no8 joystic button and programed the letter Q for fs sound off and souind on when released...

    I simply cant get them to work under one button...I read the documentation but cant figure out the solution...so I left it with another button no1 or 0 dont remember with this function (sound off and on..)

    Would appreciate any help

    here is the part of my ini file











    thanks for any help./.


  14. HI I just bought ch products yoke...and think is great interfaces well with everuthing...but I amalso using widefs in order to use sbox and rogewr wilco on different machine..


    is ther any chance I can program a button using fsuipc to cotrol the push button of roger wilco THAT IS ON THE OTHER PC? someone told me of a dll that does that...is that correct..?

    I know how to program for the same pc but I would appreciate any suggestions for the other one that is on network


    dimitris pantoleon


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