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  1. Thank you for your help
  2. Hello friends, please help, I set the cutoff levers in FSUIPC and not move the levers of 737 NGX, below the setting you use. Thank you so much Ederson Brazil
  3. Hello, I fsuipc4 license, can I use the same license for FSUIPC4 4939 version or have to buy a new license. Ederson Brazil
  4. Thank you, sorry for the inconvenience, I found the FSUIPC passwords.
  5. Hello, I lost my password FSUIPC, how do I get the launcher again.
  6. Good afternoon everybody, I bought a Pro flight rudder pedals saitek cessna rudder, bought FSUIPC latest version. I have a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick I want desabilidar Axis of Joy him not to act on the tail (tail) The eido Joystick is to serve him without him steering the rudder move? Another problem I can not solve is that I trigger the brakes priate directional elevator and he serves on the brake at the same time, I realize that it moves the airelons Also, how can I configure FSUIPC to operate without actuating the brakes along with the elevator and airelons ? How do I only use the sterring without moving the rudder along with landing gear? Grateful Ederson Brazil state of Santa Catarina
  7. Good day, I live in Brazil and have no international credit card, I have some form of pay for the software version FSUIPC for fs2004 and fsx via deposit? I can go into a bankhere in Brazil and direct deposit into your account peter, where do I find the manualFSUIPC I wanted to understand the functioning of this tool. Ederson http://projeto737ng.blogspot.com/
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