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  1. Hi Pete, I have moved from FSX boxed to Steam version (new Win 7 installation) and noticed, that there are issues with 3rd party aircraft like A2A Cherokee or Cessna 172 when I am using the PFC Cirrus with the PFCHID.dll interface. Radios are not working, no Gyro suction, aircraft does not move in the ground etc. Seems there is an interference with SimConnect. I am using FSUIPC version 4.948 and PFCHID version 1.32 from your website. After reverting back to the older PFCHID version provided by PFC on CD-ROM, functionality is somewhat better - only the radios are not working. When I delete the dll file, everything works fine with the A2A aircrafts, but then of course the Cirrus II console is not working. Any idea to solve this? Thanks a lot, Thomas
  2. Thanks Pete - great support as always!!
  3. Dear Pete. Thanks for your fast answer - I understand your point. How about the following approach: 1) In the PFC macro file I read the parameter input from the PFC switch and hand it over to a FSX Command which I do not use for this plane (for example starter of engine 4) 2) In the [auto] section of FSUIPC.ini I call a Lua script (this is possible according to the documentation) and within the script I read the variable mentioned in step 1 and write the necessary action statement into the Lvar which I want to change. For me it seems logical, but before I start programming I would need to know if the event triggered by the switch will be recognized in the Lua script... Of course I also can do it with the "button turnaround" as you described above, but this would not work for a 4-way switch like the tank selector. Thanks again, Thomas
  4. Dear Pete, Just a very short question with the PFC Cirrus programming: Is it possible to launch a Lua script directly from the PFC.MCRO file? Like: //passes the parameter from the PFC Nav Switch to an unused FSX control: 1 = Nav = C66366 //Calls a Lua Script which reads the variable and does some action: 2 = Lua Do_Something Or is necessary to have the Lua script calls in the FSUIPC.INI file only? Thanks for clarifying, Thomas
  5. Thanks Pete - no hurry, please stay relaxed in your holidays :razz: They reason why this was popping up was because I bought the console a few days ago ;-) I will do the reprogramming with Lua scripts, no need for any alternative codes from your side. Thanks a lot, and enjoy your vacation!
  6. Thanks Pete - I know now how to handle the parameters, but how to differentiate the state of the switch within the macro? For the landing gear, you wrote in the manual: [macros] 1=LandingGear+ = Cxxxxx,1 Which is easy: Landing Gear is either "+" or "-" But how to deal with the Magneto? Like this? [macros] 1=Magneto1_0=Cxxxxx,0 //Magneto "off" 2=Magneto1_1=Cxxxxx,1 //Magneto "right" 3=Magneto1_2=Cxxxxx,2 //Magneto "Left" .... I hope you understand what I mean :razz:
  7. I understand.. but what is the selector for a multi-stage switch, like the tank selector for example? For simple buttons I can use "+" or "-", but what if there are 3 or more stages? Sorry, might be a silly question for you, but the PFChid documentation is rather short in explaining this. Thanks, Thomas
  8. I have noticed that the FSUIPC "special controls" also contain the handling of the Transponder mode (STBY, ON, ALT, TEST). I want to use this with a macro for my PFC avionics stack - but how can I address the different stages as parameters for the mode selector (It has 5 stages). I did not really find the answer in the PFChid documentation, so I tried this: [macros] 1=TxpndrMode,1=C1119 // Transponder knob STDBY --> FSUIPC command Xpndr stby 2=TxpndrMode,2=C1120 // Transponder knob ON --> FSUIPC command Xpndr on ... But it did not work...I don´t know if the comma is the right syntax for the parameter here. By they way: which is the correct FSUIPC control for the "ALT" mode? "XPndr Toddle"? Thanks a lot, Thomas
  9. Thanks Pete! I corrected the macro as you mentioned and also used a short Lua script to delete all bits from Offset 0D0C in [auto] section, so all lights are off now.
  10. Hi, I wanted to change the default Switch assigment of the "NAV" Switch on the Cirrus II console from PFC. The purpose was to turn on the beacon and NAV light, but not the Panel light (which is default). So, I wrote the following macro: [Macros] 1=Nav=C66239 1.1=Nav=C66379 The result was, that the Beacon light can be switched on and off now with the "NAV" switch on the Cirrus console, but the NAV light does not show any reaction - why? (line 1.1 in the macro file above) Also, when I load the plane (Standard Cessna 172), the beacon light is always "ON", so it does not match to the hardware switch, which is in the off position at startup - so I have to first move the switch on the screen into the off position so that both - panel and hardware switch position - are synchronized. As a turnaround, I tried the following AUTO sequence in the FSUIPC.ini: [Auto] 1=66239,0 But it did not help... Any ideas how I can synchronize the switches without any fancy Lua programming - and turn on the NAV light in the same step? FSUIPC version 4.92 PFCHid version 1.30 Thanks a lot, Thomas
  11. It is the one currently published on the web: 4.92 for FSUIPC and 1.32 for PFCHID. Maybe I can switch on one of the logfile creaters in FSUIPC (which one?) to get more data? Thanks, Thomas
  12. Today I updated the new dll files for FSUIPC and PFChid.dll From PFC I use the throttle quadrant, the RIC, a yoke and the avionic stack. After the update, the avionic stack is no longer working (LED´s remain dark when I switch on the avionics master switch in the FSX plane). All other PFC equipment works fine. The PFChid.log files tells that all hardware is detected properly, including the avionics stack. Also the hardware check at start-up (couple of numbers in the LED displays) are working, and there are no error messages from Windows, so the USB device is recognized correctly. Any ideas what I can try to get it working again? Thanks, Thomas
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