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About Seanw

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    Wine, Gin, Scotch. (Some times Tequila after landing at KPDX on a windy day)

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. At last, The face behind the LEGEND, or, Face of the Legend for that matter!
  2. Pete, You wrote; "Maybe they will be so good by FS2006 that I can retire from this and do some flying for a change! I'll be 62 by then in any case and looking for a way out. " What are you trying to do? Give us all heart attacks" NO YOU CAN'T RETIRE. WE SIMPLY WON'T ALLOW THAT KIND OF TALK. Besides. 62 is Wayyyyyy too young to be retiring. As far as the people that whine about having to pay for FSUIPC, let them. They can talk to MICROSOFT and see what they can get. It really pisses me off when people are so disrespectful, and ungrateful. They have no appreciation for what you have contributed to this hobby of ours. Bunch of ingrates. Anyhow, you should not have to provide excuses, nor explanations to anyone for charging a fee for your hard work. In my opinion, it still is a bargain for the limitless possibilities it has brought about to our hobby. ~One greatful Customer!
  3. I have also noticed the stutter with FS2k & FS2k2 (I have not yet installed FS2004). I found by disabling the antivirus S/W when running FS took care of the problem. I am also using a NVIDIA graphics card as well. You might want to try that and see if it helps any. Let us know what you find. Good Luck and happy simming! Sean W.
  4. Is it possible to install (without having any conflicts), FS98, 2000, 2002, & 2004 in the same PC with each version of FS inside their own folder, and each FS version having a copy of FSUIPC inside their module folders. (Old FSUIPC for 98 and the latest version of FSUIPC for 2000, 2002, & 2004)? Has any one currently have, or have done an installation similar to this? I am running Windows XP Home edition. Thanks for all your help. Regards, Sean W.
  5. Hello All, Just thought I would make a friendly suggestions to everyone when posting a messeage on this forum (or any other forum for that matter). How about including a DETAILED description of your problem/question in the SUBJECT line instead of just typing "FSUIPC", "HELP", FS2004, GPS etc. etc...... This will help everyone out and may be even get more responses to your questions and issues. It will also help if you try to search out something specific in the future and save a lot of time. Just a thought. Regards Sean W.
  6. Wil This combination work? I Am trying to findout if FS2000 can be used under windows XP. Can it be run without having the compatibility mode enabled? Will FSUIPC and WIDEFS work under WINXP w/ FS2000? Thanks. Sean W.
  7. Hello All, Can someone help me out with this??? What I am trying to do is Get data from FSUIPC (Say Airspeed for example), and read it from a VB program and send that data out to the serial port using a simple VB program. Conversely, I would like to send data in to the serial port (I.E. Rudder position) and have it read by the VB program and have it write to FSUIPC. I can do the hardware interface, but looking fpr some help in coding this using VB. I can program in VB but quiet not sure how to write an I/O sequence to do this. If someone can post a sample listing I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks Sean W.
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