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  1. Dear Mr Dowson Thank you for your work. I confirmed to work perfectly. Is the GFDev.dll downloaded from the GoFlight Web site old version? Can I get the latest version of the GFDev.dll form this forum ? Backy
  2. Dear Mr. Dowson I wonder if the solution to the problem of right COURSE dial was in your sight. By the way, the GFconfig application set for GoFlight device and SDK were updated to ver 2.0. And, my friend said that he is using latast version of GFDev.dll. Maybe GF-EFIS range selector has same problem as right COURSE dial. backy :lol:
  3. Dear Mr. Dowson I will talk him your suggestion. He use FSUIPC4.703. I don't hear that what version of GFDEV.DLL he use. Thank you backy
  4. Dear Mr. Dowson Dear Mr Steve Thank you so much. I have one more situation. If you have GF-EFIS (GoFlight's EFIS) and you have time to spare, would you please check the right selector switch (range selector) of the GF-EFIS. I don't have GF-EFIS. But my friend has two GF-EFIS devices. He said that the captain side (unit #0) didn't return any value for the range selector. Therefore, the first officer side (unit #1) works normally. I really thank for your responce. backy
  5. Dear Mr. Dowson I understood. I tried to get the log of FSUIPC4 following. I deleted "User Name" and User Addr". FSUIPC assignes button number 17 and 18. Thank you for your response. backy ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.705 by Pete Dowson ********* Reading options from "F:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ... User Name= User Addr= FSUIPC4 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired Running inside FSX on Windows 7 (using SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07) Module base=61000000 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed DebugStatus=15 374 System time = 02/06/2011 21:36:23 374 FLT path = "C:\Users\Backy\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\" 374 FS path = "F:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\" 1076 LogOptions=C0000000 00000001 1092 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 3276 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0) 3276 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 3276 FSUIPC Menu entry added 3292 F:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\FLIGHTS\OTHER\FLTSIM.FLT 3292 F:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.AIR 16162 F:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\B737_800\Boeing737-800.AIR 64101 System time = 02/06/2011 21:37:27, Simulator time = 13:24:41 (18:24Z) 64116 Aircraft="Boeing 737-800 Paint1" 65052 Starting everything now ... 65052 GoFlight GFMCPPRO detected: 1 device 67486 *** Entered Buttons option page *** 69483 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 00040000} 69483 FirstButtonChange res=00009D12 (0.157, 18) 69530 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 00000000} 70200 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 00020000} 70200 FirstButtonChange res=00009D11 (0.157, 17) 70247 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 00000000} 70310 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 00020000} 70310 FirstButtonChange res=00009D11 (0.157, 17) 70419 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 00000000} 70466 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 00020000} 70481 FirstButtonChange res=00009D11 (0.157, 17) 70746 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 00060000} 70762 FirstButtonChange res=00009D12 (0.157, 18) 70793 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 00020000} 70840 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 00060000} 70856 FirstButtonChange res=00009D12 (0.157, 18) 70902 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 000e0000} 70918 FirstButtonChange res=00009D13 (0.157, 19) 70949 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 000a0000} 71121 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 00080000} 71183 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 000a0000} 71183 FirstButtonChange res=00009D11 (0.157, 17) 71230 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 00080000} 71292 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 00090000} 71292 FirstButtonChange res=00009D10 (0.157, 16) 71339 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009d 000b0000} 71355 FirstButtonChange res=00009D11 (0.157, 17) 74584 *** Exiting Buttons option page *** [Log closed by user request, and continued in new file] 93148 System time = 02/06/2011 21:37:56, Simulator time = 13:24:42 (18:24Z) 93148 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Average frame rate for running time of 2 secs = 37.9 fps Memory managed: 4 Allocs, 2 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********
  6. Dear Mr. Dowson Thank you for your reply. "gfdDisplay.lua" is an example of lua plugins in FSUIPC Documents folder. "checkallinputs" function in this plugin is called by pushing switch, rotating dial of GoFlight device. I tried logging. The log file is very big size, so I copied a part of log. First, I rotated the left COURSE dial. I got the return values Dials[8]=[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] and Dials[8]=[-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]. Next, I rotated the right COURSE dial. I didn't got any return values. Dials[8] is still [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]. I wonder if it is right that Dials[8]=[0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0] or Dials[8]=[0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0]. Backy log.txt gfdDisplay.txt
  7. Dear Mr. Dowson I used a gfdDisplay.lua for MCPPRO. The right COURSE dial generated the event (event.gfd), but did not return any value. Other buttons, switches and dials return some value. Otherwise, FSUIPC can asign the button number for that dial. Do you have any idea? Thank you for your time. Backy
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