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David Rogers

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Posts posted by David Rogers

  1. Hi Paul,

    Mmm, I have no FSUIPC4 Install.log in the Modules folder ...... probably indicative of this strange problem.

    Each time I attempt a fresh install, I get these files in the Modules folder:-

    FSUIPC Documents (folder)


    FSUIPC4 (cfg)

    FSUIPC log


    ........ nothing else, no install log, no key (despite entering a registration into the installer, and despite being told the code was accepted and confirmed.

    I am seeing FSUIPC in the "Addons" menu in P3d, but obviously, it is the unregistered version. :(

  2. Hi Paul,

    I thought exactly the same, and did a search for the FSUIPC.KEY but it's not on my system.

    The issue seems to be because I have P3D but not FSX installed, the FSUIPC installer seems not to work properly when the search box comes up that is looking for FSX, and I cancel it. (even though it does go on to let me enter the registration - but it just does not result in the creation of a FSUIPC.KEY file :( ).

    I've seen this a few times, from a Google search but have been unable to find a solution.

    Ps... My install log is in the "spoiler" in the first post - a normal install, just showing no registration in the Modules folder.

    I can give my licence details to Pete when he's back and perhaps he can create a FSUIPC.KEY that I can place in the Modules folder.

    I only bought P3D today and absolutely everything else has gone perfectly - but I have been on for 4 hours with this FSUIPC registration problem, and have tried 3 full un/re-installs of P3D, and countless install attemptes for FSUIPC.

    I have read all instructions, am using the very latest FSUIPC, a valid FSUIPC4 licence key bought from Simmarket, and a version of P3D bought an uninstalled today.

    I've been using FS for 20 years and just cannot get my head around this one.

  3. ...still pulling my hair out here.

    Because some other posts alluded to the fact that can be 'permissions' related (on Win 7 64 bit), I uninstalled P3d and reinstalled it away from the Program Files folder, (in C:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D), and still when I run the FSUIPC4 installer, and enter my registrations, it just will not place a FSUIPC.KEY file into my modules folder.

    I have my licence details in a text doc - can anyone tell me the 'format' of the key file so that I can create one with my licence details in, and manually place it into the Prepar3D\Modules folder, because the FSUIPC Installer just cannot execute this.....

    Thanks again for any help.

  4. Hi folks,

    I know Pete is away until 18th Feb, so hoping someone else can help.

    I am trying to install the latest version 4.86 (just downloaded today) of FSUIPC into P3D ...... I don't have FSX installed.

    Everything is installing ok in terms of the Modules, but no matter what I do I just cannot get my Registration

    completed for P3D.

    I have gone through the install numerous times, and the installer tells me that the registation was accepted, but when I go into P3D, the FSUIPC is unregistered. :neutral:

    ....the reason, no FSUIPC.key is updating into the P3D Modules folder.

    Here is the log file :-

    ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.86 by Pete Dowson *********

    Running inside Prepar3D on Windows 7

    Module base=614D0000

    User Name=""

    User Addr=""

    FSUIPC4 not user registered

    WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired

    47 System time = 15/02/2013 17:40:57

    47 FLT path = "C:\Users\David\Documents\Prepar3D Files\"

    47 Trying C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D\Modules\SimConnectP3D.dll

    47 Found it: trying to connect

    47 FS path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D\"

    437 LogOptions=00000000 00000001

    437 SIM1 Frictions access gained

    437 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed

    437 G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok

    437 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

    437 Trying to use SimConnect Prepar3D

    3323 Running in "Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D®", Version: 1.4.4747.0 (SimConnect:

    3323 Initialising SimConnect data requests now

    3323 FSUIPC Menu entry added

    3354 C:\Users\David\Documents\Prepar3D Files\Default.flt

    3354 C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D\SimObjects\Airplanes\Mooney_Acclaim\Mooney_Acclaim.AIR

    32745 System time = 15/02/2013 17:41:30, Simulator time = 16:05:56 (15:05Z)

    36941 Starting everything now ...

    38251 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

    99045 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 66 secs = 29.8 fps

    143739 System time = 15/02/2013 17:43:21, Simulator time = 16:07:08 (15:07Z)

    143739 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

    Average frame rate for running time of 68 secs = 29.6 fps

    G3D fix: Passes 8340, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0

    Memory managed: 31 Allocs, 31 Freed

    ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

    Can anyone please help?


  5. Hi,

    So I bought "3D Cockpit Effect".

    My questions is, surely there is a global keypress, to enable & disable all effects.....?

    There is nothing about this in the 3 page 'manual'.

    Those of use using TrackIR with this, at present, require an 'Enable/Disable' key for the effects, so we can disable the effects when using TrackIR ............ it's no good having to physically come out of FSX and go to this program to turn it off everytime this is required.

    Please tell me I just missed the key, and if so what is it ?

    Other feedback on this product:-

    1). Nice simple GUI. Much easier to get to grips with than EZCA.

    2). Unfortunately I find most of the motion effects pretty unconvincing. The movements are too 'jerky', where the EZCA motions were more fluid and smooth and felt a lot more convincing.

    3). Specifically, the movements during the 'roll' are very unconvincing. You need far less 'left/right' (horizontal) motion, and more 'up/down' (vertical) motion during this phase.

    4), I was disappointed to see there is no 'inertia' movement in flight. What I mean is that there are no subtle movements (there are very little movements at all once in flight), as the plane turns and banks.

    5). I'm pretty diappointed with the current effects; it essentially just looks like a few jerky wobbles during roll and landing, and very little else.

    6). But I think if the developer can 'tune' the motion simulation, it could have potential.

    I stopped using EZCA because it was playing havoc with my system, and I was having to re-install my TIR drivers every time I wanted to use FSX....... but... the 3D motion in this add-on is currently nowhere near as convinving as that in EZCA.

    Hope you don't mind my feedback - I really hope this add-on will grow and get better, and I also own your 'FSX Booster' and that's a great product.



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