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Posts posted by Rhawk187

  1. I don't know of any way that a registration can work then not work, unless the file containing the Regisytration details gets changed or corrupted, or the computer system date is changed to one BEFORE the purchase date.

    It certainly sounds like it might be a date problem then. Check the computer system date. I've had occasional odd things happen when a purchase is made from the USA when it is just after midnight in Germany (where the keys are generated) so the date was one day later. If that were the case the keys should work okay by now.

    The system date appears to be set properly, but we are in America, so it shouldn't get confused by the whole month/day/year representation should it?

    I also noticed that in the FSUIPC.log, that the FS2004 time was off (claims it's always midnight on startup). Wasn't sure if this was normal or in error.

    Check the account in SimMarket where the data is stored for you.

    If this isn't resolved by the time the Secretary is in on Monday, I'll should be able to verify that the keys I'm using and the one it thinks I should be using are the same.

    If you send me an email (petedowson@btconnect.com) and attach the FSUIPC.KEY and FSUIPC.LOG files, from the FS Modules folder, I'll check for you.

    An e-mail has been sent, thanks for you time.

  2. I registered WideFS6 (I think) this morning through the FSUIPC 3.99 installer, and it appeared to be working this morning, but now it doesn't.

    FSUIPC still works.

    The WideServer.log file says:

    22168 WideFS cannot be used until it is Registered through FSUIPC (version 3.44 or later)

    The FSUIPC.log file says:

    WIDEFS not user registered, or expired

    The FSUIPC.key file contains the data as it was sent in confirmation e-mail.

    Upon installation the "FSUIPC Install.log" says:

    Registration for FSUIPC and WideFS was successful! (result code 00)

    I ran the installer again and "checked" the registration and "FSUIPC Install.log" says:

    Registration check for FSUIPC and WideFS was successful! (result code 00)

    I'm not sure what is wrong. Our secretary ordered two licences of the software (2x WideFS, 2x FSUIPC), but the e-mail she sent us only has one code (well, one for FSUIPC, one for WideFS). I've e-mailed her to ask her for credentials to the SimConnect account so I could check if there were multiple keys, but probably won't get those until Monday, so I wanted to see if anyone knew if we should get more than 1 key? I figured it was possible it was just based on the user name and e-mail, and so it would be the same key for the every machine. I thought it was possible the failure started after my development partner installed the software on a second machine (or it could have been a coincidence) with the same key.

    Any insights?

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