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Posts posted by friedrich


    'declare it only once on top - class/form level

    Dim APHeadingValue As Offset(Of UInteger) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of UInteger)(&H7CC)


    'could be done in a shorter and or different way

    Dim APHaeding As Integer

    APHeading = 350 (assign heading)

    'whatever you calculate before, p.e. Hdg + a Wind-Drift-Value

    If APHeading > 360 Then

    APHeading = APHeading - 360

    ElseIf APHeading < 0 Then

    APHeading = 360 + APHeading

    End If

    'AP Heading Value in ° 16384 = 90°

    APHeading = APHeading * 182

    If APHeading > 65536.0 Then APHeading = 65536.0

    APHeadingValue.Value = APHeading 'set Hdg to AP

  2. No you wouldn't set the interval nor enable the timer within the 'tick' routine as it would never start


    Set the interval in the form load section or at design time if the interval does not need to be changed and start the timer when the app is started

    Yes you are right. I forgot to mention it separately.

    Anyhow the import thing is the Timer1_Tick section for our friend 'djp122'.




  3. 1) download the latest download by Paul Henty


    2) Read the complete VB.net example. FSUIPCClientExample_VB (Form1.vb)


    3) Refer to the "Timer1_Tick" Section. You need the Timer Tick. Within this Timer Tick you declare for example:

        The Timer tick is reading data every 200 ms for example.

        Me.Timer1.Interval = 200

        Me.Timer1.Enabled = True



    ' COM2 frequency

    ' Shows decoding a DCD frequency to a string

    ' a. Convert to a string in Hexadecimal format

    Dim com2String As String = com2bcd.Value.ToString("X")

    ' b. Add the assumed '1' and insert the decimal point

    com2String = "1" & com2String.Substring(0, 2) & "." & com2String.Substring(2, 2)

    Me.txtCOM2.Text = com2String


        This is the way you get a continous update for all data you declare.

        You do not need any Button for it.


        You can read and Set all data.






  4. I'm using this code for some KEY_EVENTS:

    Class Form1

    Dim fsx_simconnect As SimConnect

    Const WM_USER_SIMCONNECT As Integer = &H402


    Public Enum hSimconnect


    End Enum

    Private Enum INPUT_ID 'should be used for sending Keyboard Input ?


    End Enum


    Private Enum EVENT_ID






    End Enum


    <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi, Pack:=1)> _

    Structure Struct1

    . '0



    Public aponoffx As Single '7

    <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst:=256)> Public Titlex As String

    End Structure


    Private Enum DEFINITIONS


    End Enum

    Private Enum DATA_REQUESTS


    End Enum

    Enum UPEVENT 'should be used for sending Keyboard Input ?


    End Enum

    Enum DOWNEVENT 'should be used for sending Keyboard Input ?


    End Enum


    Private Sub btnconnect_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handle btnconnect.Click


    fsx_simconnect.MapClientEventToSimEvent(EVENT_ID.EVENT_APOnOff, "AP_MASTER")

    fsx_simconnect.MapClientEventToSimEvent(EVENT_ID.EVENT_APon, "AUTOPILOT_ON")

    fsx_simconnect.MapClientEventToSimEvent(EVENT_ID.EVENT_APoff, "AUTOPILOT_OFF")



    fsx_simconnect.AddToDataDefinition(DEFINITIONS.Struct1, "AUTOPILOT MASTER", "Bool", SIMCONNECT_DATATYPE.FLOAT32, 0, 7)




    fsx_simconnect.RegisterDataDefineStruct(Of Struct1)(DEFINITIONS.Struct1)

    AddHandler fsx_simconnect.OnRecvSimobjectData, New SimConnect.RecvSimobjectDataEventHandler(AddressOf simconnect_OnRecvSimobjectData)


    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

    If aponoff = 0 Then fsx_simconnect.TransmitClientEvent(DEFINITIONS.Struct1, EVENT_ID.EVENT_APon, 0, hSimconnect.group1, SIMCONNECT_EVENT_FLAG.GROUPID_IS_PRIORITY)

    If aponoff = 1 Then fsx_simconnect.TransmitClientEvent(DEFINITIONS.Struct1, EVENT_ID.EVENT_APoff, 0, hSimconnect.group1, SIMCONNECT_EVENT_FLAG.GROUPID_IS_PRIORITY)

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button2_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

    ' Here should be the Transmit Key Event to the AUTOPILOT MASTER as a Example

    End Sub


    Everything is working OK.

    Several trials with different Forums explanations for sending Keystrokes via Simconnect unfortunately without success.

    I would need a precise Example how to implement the KEYSTROKE "Z" for the "AP MASTER" for example.

    I think it is also possible to send a combination of Keystrokes like "shift+h".

    Many thanks in advance.


  5. If you are using my DLL then the easiest way is to declare the offset as a 'BitArray' type.

    The sample application included with the DLL has an example of using a BitArray offset for the lights.

    Basically, you need to declare the offset as follows:

    Dim enginesOnFire As Offset(Of BitArray) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of BitArray)(&H3366, 1)

    Note the size is 1 because the offset is 1 byte.

    Then after processing you can check if each bit is set by using an array index. This is 0 based so to test is bit 0 is set you use:

    If enginesOnFire.Value(0) = True then
    ' Engine 1 on Fire!
    end if

    Engine 2 would be enginesOnFire.Value(1)

    Engine 3 would be enginesOnFire.Value(2)

    Engine 4 would be enginesOnFire.Value(3)

    You can also set and reset these bits by setting the value to True or False repectively e.g.

    enginesOnFire.Value(2) = True

    although the documentation says this probably doesn't start a fire in the simulation, just sets the warning light.


    Many thanks for you explanation. It's OK.


  6. But only the whiskey compass offset is a Double type. Please read the User Guide supplied with my DLL that explains what VB.NET types to use with each size offset. The offset sizes are marked in the "FSUIPC For Programmers.PDF" and "FSUIPC Offset Status.PDF" that comes with the FSUIPC SDK.

    The same documents also explain how to convert the values from FSUIPC into 'human readable' values, as shown in my post above.

    Understanding these two concepts is essential. You can't use the FSUIPC interface without this knowledge.


    Many thanks to you and Pete. In fact i noticed the Double + Integer values.



  7. You can't. That compass floats, and only reads accurately when flying straight and level. That's one reason why other aids were invented.



    Many thanks for your quick answer.

    That's one reason why other aids were invented.

    It would be nice if someone could supply the VB code for getting the right Compass Heading when Banking left or right. (like the wisky compass when flying straight)

    We have the following Offsets:

    Dim compass As Offset(Of Double) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Double)(&H2CC) ' compass Heading

    Dim truehdg As Offset(Of Double) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Double)(&H580) ' True Heading

    Dim magvar As Offset(Of Double) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Double)(&H2A0) ' Magnetic Variation

    Dim gyrodrift As Offset(Of Double) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Double)(&HC3E) ' Gyrodrift

    Many thanks in advance,


  8. I have one question relating to the Wisky Compass Offset 02CC.<BR><BR>- Using VB 2008 - Timer set to a value of: 200 (even tried with different values)<BR><BR>Reading the Compass Value while:<BR><BR>1. flying with no Bank inclination - straight - compass value is correct.<BR><BR>2. changing the Bank inclination to the left - Compass Value is INCREASING<BR><BR>3. changing the Bank inclination to the right - Compass Value is DECREASING<BR><BR>It takes quite a lot of time to stabilize.<BR><BR>How can this be corrected in order to get a smooth reading like the GPS ?<BR><BR>Many many thanks in advance for your kind help.<BR><BR><BR>NB:<BR>i searched for a previous Forum Post and found 1 specific: <SPAN class=main_topic_title>Geting heading from FSUIPC with VB<BR><BR></SPAN>Is it possibile to get the VB code for a Hdg value like the GPS-Heading ?<BR><BR><BR><BR>Friedrich

  9. Ah, I thought you were pointing to the compiler errors you listed, i.e.


    In fact my reference to offset 238 is just mentioned in order to show that other offset-readings with 'that' method (Dim .....) is working while the TCAS procedure does not.

    Now i will try it with the new DLL suggested by Paul Henty.



  10. Thanks for your answer Mr. Pete

    My VB program is working with all other Offsets. I get all single data as stated above like:

    Dim fsLocalDateTime As Offset(Of Byte()) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Byte())(&H238, 10)

    FSUIPC is open.

    Private Sub OpenFSUIPC()


    ' Attempt to open a connection to FSUIPC (running on any version of Flight Sim)


    Me.Timer1.Enabled = True

    Catch ex As Exception

    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, AppTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

    End Try

    End Sub

    JUST the TCAS reading data Procedure is giving errors.

    There must be DECLARATIONS missing which are not a part of the VB basic language.

    Sure, the 'Connection' Error is easy to master with a boolean value.

    Maybe someone knows the way it should work.

    Anyway, many thanks


  11. Imports FSUIPC


    Structure TCAS_DATA

    Dim id As Integer

    Dim lat As Single

    Dim lon As Single

    Dim alt As Single

    Dim hdg As Short

    Dim gs As Short

    Dim vs As Short

    Dim idATC() As Byte

    Dim com1 As Short

    End Structure

    Sub Test_TCAS_DATA()

    Dim dwResult As Integer

    Dim Token As Integer

    Dim result As Integer

    Dim fsByte(4095) As Byte

    Dim TCA(0) As TCAS_DATA

    Dim T As System.Type

    T = TCA(0).GetType


    If Connected Then

    If FSUIPC_Read(&HF000, 4096, Token, dwResult) Then

    If FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Then

    If FSUIPC_Get(Token, 4096, fsByte) Then




    End Sub


    - Visual Basic 2008

    - FSUIPC unregistered

    - FSUIPC last update 4.7


    - Name Connected is not declared

    - FSUIPC_Read is not declared

    - FSUIPC_Get is not declared

    I would like to use the code found at the Link (year 2003):


    Normally i'm reading Offsets like:

    Dim fsLocalDateTime As Offset(Of Byte()) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Byte())(&H238, 10)

    Someone can tell me what is wrong here and how can I make it working ?

    Many thanks for your kind help and assistance.



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