So, I've searched around here and didn't hit on anything for the Discord PPT. Really not sure if this is the forum it belongs on as FSUIPC/WideFS works, just can't get it to control Discord PPT
Last night after Win11 forced 24H2 on my sim PC, I couldn't get a link between FSUIPC and WideFS on my secondary PC (2nd PC runs Win10)
So I updated to the latest FSUIPC and WideFS. And got everything working again. My other keysends are working fine, for OBS and vPilot.
But Discord PTT doesn't see the KeySend for F23 anymore.
I know the KeySend command is actually working because I can make OBS and vPilot see the key I want Discord to use.
I've set everything to run as Admin but still no go.
Anyone run in to anything like this before?
KeySend1=134,16 ;Press F23 - Discord PTT
KeySend2=134,24 ;Release F23 - Discord PTT
KeySend3=135,16 ;Press F24 - vPilot PTT
KeySend4=135,24 ;Release F24 - vPilot PTT
KeySend5=133,16 ;Press F22 - OBS PTT
KeySend6=133,24 ;Release F22 - OBS PTT