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  1. Fixed it.. until the next update LOL... But I added UseSendInput=Yes in to the config file and now things are working.. Never needed it before and reading the manuals, it looked to me as this was related to old voice software like RW and AVC. But seems to effect Discord now with their latest rounds of updates.
  2. Thanks John, Yes it was working for a long while. I was using KeySend to send an F23 keyboard key which Discord was seeing just find. KeySend still works to vPilot PP (F24 key) and FS22 to OBS for twitch streaming. So I know it not FSUIPC/WideFS but something else. Discord forces updates weekly, so something must have changed on their end. Their Tech support is suggesting I roll back to an early version for now, but than they tell me you can't actually roll back... 🤷‍♂️ I came here to see if anyone else was having the issue. As I've tried it on 3 different PCs and its the same issue on all of them, so I was hoping it wasn't just me... I'm going to try and configure vJoy to pick up the KeySend and tell Discord its a joystick button that's being pressed. Maybe it will see that.
  3. So some more info on this... I installed a keyboard key press visualizer - basically a program that shows a display of keys being pressed, mostly used for video creation when your trying to show key commands. It doesn't show the actually keyboard inputs going active for the keys as keysend works. So I take it KeySend must be pushing commands to a virtual keyboard or something. That vPilot and OBS see. However Discord won't all of a sudden... I'd like to blame this on WIN11 24H2 update, because everything worked fine before that. But the computer with Discord is running Win10.... I did try my Win11 laptop and same issue there as well...
  4. So, I've searched around here and didn't hit on anything for the Discord PPT. Really not sure if this is the forum it belongs on as FSUIPC/WideFS works, just can't get it to control Discord PPT Last night after Win11 forced 24H2 on my sim PC, I couldn't get a link between FSUIPC and WideFS on my secondary PC (2nd PC runs Win10) So I updated to the latest FSUIPC and WideFS. And got everything working again. My other keysends are working fine, for OBS and vPilot. But Discord PTT doesn't see the KeySend for F23 anymore. I know the KeySend command is actually working because I can make OBS and vPilot see the key I want Discord to use. I've set everything to run as Admin but still no go. Anyone run in to anything like this before? [User] Log=Errors+ PostKeys=Yes KeySend1=134,16 ;Press F23 - Discord PTT KeySend2=134,24 ;Release F23 - Discord PTT KeySend3=135,16 ;Press F24 - vPilot PTT KeySend4=135,24 ;Release F24 - vPilot PTT KeySend5=133,16 ;Press F22 - OBS PTT KeySend6=133,24 ;Release F22 - OBS PTT
  5. Thanks John, I did actually go looking last night as my time zone is behind you and the original poster, and I knew it would be morning before I got an feedback. I discovered, Windows forced the 24H2 update on me yesterday which most like started this. So I found the topics around that and still could not make things work. After some head scratching I went back to using the FSUIPC Batch file to start MSFS. Doing that WideServer would show a connection, however on the secondary PC. Windows was reporting WideFS had stopped working and gave me the wait for force stop window. Several system cold reboots and still same issue. So I gave up and went to bed.. This morning everything worked fine first try 🤷‍♂️... Possibly the 24H2 update hadn't finished installing well I was trying to correct the issue..
  6. deleted as not relevant..
  7. Interestingly enough after years of no problems, tonight the exact same thing is happening to me, I was on a fairly old version of FSUIPC/WideFS so I upgraded to the newest version and still no connection. Its happening on both my remote computers. So it must be an issue on the main FSUIPC computer. Tried removing it from Windows Firewall, and next start it prompted to add it back which I did for both Public and Private networks. Still Nothing. Here is what the WideClient log file shows ********* WideClient Log [version 7.16] Class=FS98MAIN ********* Date (dmy): 28/02/25, Time 20:07:32.153: Client name is THINKCENTRE 204 LUA: "C:\WideFS7\Initial.LUA": not found 219 Attempting to connect now 219 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast 219 Failed to connect: waiting to try again 1250 Attempting to connect now 22719 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast 156672 ****** End of session performance summary ****** 156672 Total time connected = 0 seconds 156672 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec 156672 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec 156672 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0 156672 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********
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