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Posts posted by ramon.cutanda

  1. Hello,


    I'm not very sure if I should be asking for help here. But I asked for support both in the FSAirlines forum and with a private support ticket more than a month ago and no reply, nor solution, has been provided yet. So I also ask here just in case I can get any clue on how I could make the FSAirlines Client run in P3D v2.2, or v2.3.

    I'm running FSUIPC 4.936 with P3DVersion: 2.2.10438.0. I tried P3D v2.3, but I got some incompatibility issues with some of my addons and decided to go back to 2.2.

    When I set the FSAirline client to use FSUIPC as the communication method it detects my simulator as "X-Plane 9", which obviously is incorrect and won't let me to register my flights. If I set the FSAirline to use Simconnect then I get an "Unkown version" for the simulator with the following error:


    SimConnect:2.2 [ needed: 10.0]

    I'm running Windows 8 on a Mac Pro 2013 (no chance of installing Windows 7 on newer Mac Pros) and I only use Windows for flying simulation, so only simulation-related software is installed.

    Any help or hint will be much appreciated, although I know that I am asking help for a 3er party application and, very likely, you won't be able to help much. But thanks so much for your interest anyway.

    Kindest regards,

  2. Thanks for the suggestion Volker. I guess you're talking about the nearest airports when clicking on the red plane simbol in the GPS window. But what I'm talking about is considering an alternate ON THE GROUND, before the actual flight is started, as part of the planning. Tha'ts essential for accuratelty calculating the right fuel ammount. I'm afraid I'm not able to find a way to find alternates with a specific runway length and get how far they are; which is exactly what I would like FSC to do.


    Thanks for your time anyway.



  3. The FlightSim Commander has access only to a special set of selected data.

    There are no data, such as, transition altitude, Minimum Decision Height and so on, available.




    I've been recently using ATC-Pro and it DOES include the Transition Altitudes. ATC-Pro is based on Navigraph cycles so that makes me wonder why ATC-Pro can offer that information but FSC doesn't.


    Thans for reading.



  4. Hi,


    I've been trying ATC-Pro recently and it includes an AMAZING feature: you can define what's the minimun length bor both departure and landing of each aircraft. Then, when planning your trip, you can filter the airports according to those limites. For instance, if you look for a departure or arrival airport with a runway shoter than specified for the aircraft selected that airport won't even show up in the list.


    But the feature I've felt in love with is that once an destination airport has been selected it allows you to find two alternates within a user defined distance. What's more. It even allows you to filter airports with or without. As I said... THATS AMAZING!!! I simply LOVE that feature. Right now I'm "jumping" from ATC-Pro to FSC, but then I though... wouldn't it be great if FSC could do that!!! So... here's my suggestion...


    As FSC, ATC-Pro is alse based on Navigraph AIRAC, and that's what gives me hope that this feature could be implemented.


    Thanks fot taking it into consideration!!!



  5. I like to create my own "weird" routes not followed by any airline in real life. So I've spent may hours "playing" with FSC to create my custom routes. One of the things that would save A LOT of time would be to be able to add airways by clicking on them. I mean. What I do so far is:

    Choose my departure airport.

    Have a look at the SIDs available

    Choose the most likely to be assigned by ATC according to my route.

    Choose as the first waypoint of my route the last one of the SID. Luckly most of the time that point is common to all the runways available, which simplifies things.

    Now... here comes the "tricky" part. I follow the airway of my first waypoint until an intersection in which I will need to change airway. Then I add that second waypoint to my route. But FSC is not "intelligent" enough as to guess I want to follow that ariway instead of making a "direct". So I have to manually insert the airway between those waypoints. But if airways were "clickable" I could:

    1. Add my first waypoint

    2. Add the airway I will follow

    3. Add the intersection where I'll be changing my airway

    4. And so on and so forth.

    Of course I'm not ASKING or DEMANDING anything. It's just a suggestion. It can be taken into consideration or not... Just up to you :smile:


  6. You mean, that you want have a departure window, similar to the approach window.

    Ups... I wrote it the other way round!!! Thankfully you managed to understand my point :smile:

    The FlightSim Commander has access only to a special set of selected data.

    There are no data, such as, transition altitude, Minimum Decision Height and so on, available.

    I was afraid that was the reason... But because I was not able to find that information anywhere else I decided to ask. Thanks for clarifying this matter.

    For some transitions the maximum approach speed is displayed in the flight plan- and approach window.

    I had noticed altitude restrictions showing in some plans, even in SIDs. That what made me think a "Departure Window" similar to the arrivals was possible.

    An automatically generated flight plan include SIDs and STARs is not possible

    with the Dijkstra algorithm used within the FlightSim Commander.

    Thats a pitty... At least Route Finder is integrated within FSC interface :smile:

    Thanks so much for taking the time to reply my enquiries.

    Kindest regards,

  7. Hi,

    I've been making a search in the forum about the topics included in the title of this post but I haven't been able to find the information I'm interested in. So I open this new thread. I do apologize if I write about topics dealt with before.

    FSC is for me as an essential part of a flight as FSX itself. I could not imagine my life as a virtual pilot without it. However, over the time I've found some features missing and I'd like to point them out just in case they can be taken into consideration for the development of future versions:

    Departure WIndow:

    That feature is AMAZING. I have access to official Jeppenson charts. But for most of the times I find that the Departure Window offers me all the information I need for my arrivals. But there's not such a window for Departures. Wouldn't it be great to have them both, SIDS and STARS?

    Transition Altitude:

    Even if a Departure window was added, I would still need to use charts to check the Transition altitude, Minimum Decision Height and Maximum Approach speeds. I haven't been able to find out if that information is available in the AIRACS with which FSC and oder addons are updated, so maybe I'm asking fot the impossible. But just in case, I wanted to ask.

    Adding SIDS and STARS to Auto-generated flight plans

    Most of the times, FSC makes and outstanding job when auto generating flight plans. But those autogenerated plans do not always follow a SID or STAR. They do sometimes, but not always. So, most of the times I use RouteFinder for that task. Again, it would be great if I could "force" FSC to use the last point of a SID as my first route waypoint and a IAF or any other STAR waypoint as the last one.

    Thanks so much for taking my words into consideration and, once again, I'm sorry if I'm arising topics already covered in the past.

    Kindest regards,

  8. Thanks so much for your kind replies. I'm preparing 41 stages for a Concorde World Tour. There's a HUGE difference in Concorde's fuel consumption depending on doing supersonic or subsonic flight, so I need to know, quite accurately, what's the distance of the subsonic legs. For example, one of the stages is:


    The subsonic flight starts some 50 miles before PIGOS, so I need to know what the distance is between PIGOS and destination (LFPG) The measurement tool helps, but I was wondering if there was a direct way to add up all the partial distances of a segment.

    Creating a new "partial" flight plan is another option; but I need to find an airport close to where I need the subsonic stage to begin, because a route cannot have an intersection or a VOR as an start point or end.

    Thanks for your suggestions, though.


  9. Hi,

    I'm facing with the following problem over and over again. I've got intersection A and intersection E both in airway AW1 with intersections B, C and D between them. Not always, but quite frecuently, when I write A AW1 E in the route creator after pressing "OK" FSC will delete "AW1" from the route and make a direct route between A and E, so I need to manually insert intersections B, C and D to "force" FSC to follow the route I want to use.

    One real example. I want to go from Rio to Brasilia. I'd like to go from LUNAT to ISOPI via UZ6:


    As you can see, intersection LUNAT IS in airway UZ6. In fact, UZ6 is the ONLY High Altitute airway crossing.

    This is the other end:


    This time three High Altitude airways cross ISOPI, but UZ6 is clearly one of them.

    Now, if I type LUNAT UZ6 ISOPI in the yellow Flight Plan creation window and then press OK, UZ6 is deleted from the plan and FSC makes a direct route LUNAT ISOPI, which is really inconvient, because the airway is not straight and FC plan misses a "corner":


    At first, I simply thought I was a newbie and that surely I must be doing something wrong. But after having made dozens of flight plans this extrange behaviour comes over and over again in some particular routes and I simply have no idea why or how to solve it. Sometimes is really annoying.

    Any help in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards,


  10. Hi,

    I'm considering opening a online store in Spain aimed at Spanish speakers virtual pilots and I'm wondering what would be the requirements to sell FSUIPC and WIDEFS7. I've been flying for a Spanish virtual airline for some time now and I've noticed that many Spanish speaking simmers don't purchase great addons just because they don't know what they do, how to use them or simply how to make the purchase, so one of my main goals will be to translate all the products description into Spanish and perhaps, even creating some video tutorials so that language won't be an issue in order to make the purchase.

    I've got a lot of experience running websites and working with APIs. If neccesary, I can also store the contents in our servers (with no limits in space or bandwith)

    I'm very enthusiastic about this project and I already purchased a great domain name: simulaciondevuelo.com (in English, flightsimulation.com)

    I'm really looking forward to hearing from you. Please, send me a private message and, if appropiate, please delete this post.

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards,

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