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  1. newbie error sorry I will try again posting in the correct forum.
  2. Hi all, Finaaly after having the PMDG NGX B737 I noticed a small thing while trying to load a flightplan in the FMC CO.Route. It seems PMDG has moved the NGX flightplans into a sub-folder other than the default one used by the 747 and MD11 Currently I have the following setup: D:\Games\FSX\PMDG\FLIGHTPLANS but NGX has added D:\Games\FSX\PMDG\FLIGHTPLANS\NGX I cannot find a way to setup a different dir in NGX nor does FSC9 provide an alternate place for NGX. So a workaround now is to create the flightplan in FSC9, same is as PMDG and then manually move it to the subfolder \NGX. It's inconvenient but if FSC could manage to set the flightplans directory manually it would help a lot... (like it's possible for FC,FSInn,PM and Xplane) Why not an option to select the PMDG ? Yes I read some articles about "it's PMDG that defines the dir but now is seems PMDG has deciced something else again... Nevertheless, very nice program, keep up the good work. Peter
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