Dear Mr Dawson, 6 november 2024
I hope you are willing and able to help me?
I have been a user of FSUIPC for flight simulator for many years.
I have been switching to MSFS2020 and FSUIPC7 for six months now.
I use Windows 11 with an Intel Icore 9. I have an old (one of the first MCPs) RS32) from CPFlight.
Till before MS2020 no problems with it.
I understand that the FMC is working closely with FSUIPC7.
Now, my problem is the following;
When I turn the buttons from the FMC in the test program,
all digits work quickly and follow the buttons perfectly!
When I start MSFS2020 with FSUIPC7 (latest version 7 7. 4. 18) then
the digits of (left) course and Ias/Mach are not tracking properly!
Numbers do not follow the dial quickly.
The other 4 digits Heading, Altitude, Vertical Speed and Course2 are perfect!
Do you know what is wrong maybe?
I'd love to hear from you
Kind regards, Paul Dekker