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  1. Thank you John, At this moment I use Virtual flight Online transmitter. Little NavMap can read this information from our groups flight. This is stable enough. But I like AivlaSoft EFB2 more. Thanks a lot for your help. I hope there will be a good ATC tool for group flights in MSFS in the future. Kind regards, Ad
  2. Perhaps this can help too. See attachments from the server folder> Ad serverSettings.txt
  3. I don't know. The only things I can see in EFB2 is the online info for VATSIM and IVAO: VATSIM URL data: https://data.vatsim.net/v3/vatsim-data.json URL transceiver: https://data.vatsim.net/v3/tranceivers-data.json IVAO URL: https://api.ivao.aero/v2/tracker/wazzup The MSFS AI traffic info is not visible and not editable in the GUI of EFB2 Ad
  4. John, JoinFS do this indeed. But sometimes it lead to double or invisible aircrafts. A bit buggy for MSFS. Also VirtualFlightOnline transmitter inject it as AI traffic, that's fine. But they all use their own traffic trackers or LittleNavMap. I was searching for the possibility to show them in AivlaSoft's EFB2. Anyway Thanks Ad
  5. Hi John or Pete, Is there any possibility to inject the Groups Only Players from MSFS2020 into the Aivla's EFB2? At this moment or in the future? Only VATSIM, IVAO or AI-traffic is shown in EFB2 via FSUIPC7. And because the EFB2 tool is very useful to act as an ATC with my friends I'm looking for it. At this moment it is not possible to see them in a groups only session. And.. there is no other fine tool for ATC with MSFS2020. Thanks in advanced for your answer. Grtz. Ad
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