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Posts posted by _ak

  1. Hi, Pete

    Some time ago you said me that using KEY_THROTTLE[n]_SET events can conflict with FSUIPC and even made special workaround for feekthere ERJ. Also you suggested to use KEY_AXIS_THROTTLE[n]_SET events. In new project I using that events for autothrottle, but some users again reports problems, seems throttles have own life and overforcing A/T. Mostly I heard that from CH Throttle users. It there any other tricks that I don't know. They claiming other addons with custom AP/AT works fine with that.

    Another thing. I saw in SDK "axis disconnect" feature. I tryed it to avoid noise from joysticks. It does job, but it does it too well, it disconnects controls from my AP as well :)

    It uses KEY_ELEVATOR_SET and KEY_AILERON_SET events (and KEY_ELEVATOR_TRIM_SET for autotrimming)

    So is there a way to disable axes but save custom AP?


  2. Few facts about FeelThere ERJ:

    1. It uses 2 engines

    2. It not makes own throttles mapping

    3. It not uses FSUIPC. During development FS9 Panels SDK was out and it allows make own TCAS without FSUIPC. APU that burns fuel and some other stuff I did with direct access to internal FS structures.

    4. It uses KEY_THROTTLEx_SET events. 0-16k for forward thrust and negative values for reverse thrust

    5. It's detects changes in throttle position (from keyboard, mouse, joystick or any other possible control), calculates from it new throttle position (not FS throttle, but throttle visible to user), then our internal throttle position goes to procedure that calculates new REQUEST N1 and at final stage requested N1, altitude, temperature it calculates position of FS throttle and sets it to that position.

    Everething works fine until user not use some specific FSUIPC options. Have no idea where conflict is.

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