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Posts posted by s.storm

  1. Pete,

    I agree with you that fs9 is much better than all previous versions, in all aspects. For me it is only the actual horizon("the line") I wish could be manipulated more to create a "smoother" transition between the ground and sky. I know that it has alot to do with personal preferences and therefore wish the code that controls that parameter was more adjustable. Perhaps different computer hardware configurations also play a part in the visual effects. Your latest version of FSUIPC really helps me alot, making it more adjustable overall. I could not do without it.

    Anyway, it's time for me to drop this subject and get back to enjoying some serious flying. I wish everyone a nice weekend and fly safely.


  2. Hello again,

    Sorry, I forgot to mention what I am trying to adjust with the visibility etc, that worked fine for me in fs2002;

    In clear and cloudy weather(not overcast or rain), I want the ground visibility to be 20 miles and gradually increase to 60 miles at cruise altitude(35000 feet). This is most realistic for me unless I want to add fog/pollution layers. For overcast or rain ground visibility would be 10 miles. At 35000 ft, the sky and horizon/land, with 60 miles visibility set, should "smoothly" blend.

    Good night from Sweden,


  3. Pete and others,

    Thanks for your replies.

    Pete, I tried your "normal" settings as well as 2 other settings and restarted FS9 20(!) times for each of the 3 settings(all at 33000 ft, game paused before restart, and un-paused after restart). Here I can clearly see your module etc at work after a restart/un-pause.

    For each of the 3 settings I got 3 totally different "final" adjustments after FSUIPC and fs9 had finished modifying the visibility settings. All at random;

    1. The "white wall".

    2. A "almost" good hazy horizon.

    3. A "terrible" non-hazy horizon.

    Once again; without changing anything, except in between the 3 settings!?? There is definately "something rotten in Denmark"(expresion) here, as you mentioned under "IMPORTANT" announcements.

    I also tried moving the slider from non-dynamic to dynamic weather changes, but after 10 restarts, it showed the same effects as above.

    Dusk and dawn still look unreal to me. At night it does not matter since the horizon is not visible anyway.

    The only tip for flight-simmers with similar problems as I encounter, is to continue restarting the game, until a good randomly selected visibility setting is noticed, and continue from there. A 30% chance is better than none.

    Best of luck,


  4. John,

    I agree with you regarding the visibility problems(sharp edge horizon) in FS9. I think that Pete solved some of the problems with version 3.05 but I really miss the fs2002 visibility. No matter what settings I try, I still get a distinct unreal line at the horizon, unless I put fs9 or FSUIPC to 30 miles or below in the daytime. At dusk and dawn even these settings are bypassed by fs9. Sometimes I do get what has been called "the white wall", which leads me to believe that it could be some kind of "fs9 random weather generator" (PS: I always have my weather set to no change/non-dynamic) built into fs9 and/or my graphics card/driver(128Mb Geforce4 Ti4600 with the latest drivers).

    If, Pete could tell us what settings(all the details for :options/display/weather,FSUIPC and world weather etc) he has on his system, and that he is pleased with, those of us with "problems" can compare the same settings on our computers. We can then E-mail screen shots between us and compare etc.

    There are several others at other forums that report the same thing and some include screen shots. Good luck.


  5. Hi,

    This "effect" is also driving me crazy. I managed to get the hazy horizon (without a distinct line) to work daytime, after trying different drivers for my Geforce4 Ti4600(44.71a from ASUS works for me now) and other suggestions from Pete. But, at dusk and dawn it still looks unreal, as your screen shot shows. If I fly in central Russia, the effect looks as if I am sourounded by an ocean 50-100 miles away(All wheather types, visibility etc.). Also, at night, stars seem to appear below the "actual horizon"!

    It is useless to hope for a MS patch for this, so I therefore hope one day, if possible, someone can create a program that can correct this.


    Stefan (Gothenburg,Sweden)

  6. Pete,

    Thanks for your reply. I guess it is just me, not yet used to the new improvements of FS2004.

    For your question as to where I am doing my settings. The upper and lower altitudes I set from the top menu: World/weather/select: user defined weather/customize weather/advanced weather/visibility.

    The surface visibility I set from within FSUIPC. (2000 in all boxes)

    Maybe, perhaps one day in the future you could consider adding "gradual visibility" again as an option? Just a suggestion.



  7. :?:


    I have been experimenting with the visibility settings as described in the user manual for FSUIP v.3.01 and FS2004 but it seems that the module and the game do not "agree"?!

    Example: If I set surface visibility at 20 miles for all types of weather, the module will apply this setting in the games weather dialog window for all altiltudes. Note: I also have the upper/lower altitudes set at 0/40000 with the "override" box in the module unchecked.

    What I have been trying to achieve through experimentation is to get something similar that was achievable in FS2002; Gradual visibility with altitude (a surface visibility of 20 miles with a separate gradual maximum visibility at cruise altitude). The best visibility setting so far for me has been to apply 30 miles visibility from 0 to 40000 feet within the games weather setting only.

    I have also noticed that some times, the hazy horizon appears and some times not, without changing any settings.

    Please advise.



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