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Posts posted by LSangiovanni

  1. Hi thorsten,

    no more water in land now! I was sure that was the trick, it wasn't the first time :oops:

    I should learn about autoinstall and get rid of manual procedures (but i always want to keep order on my PC and often i change default folders with some new created.

    Also the mesh terrain looks very nice.


    Luigi :wink:

  2. Hi friends,

    here how Menorca appear on my PC. What do you think? Landclass seems OK, but still has "water in land" trouble.

    Thorsten, thanks for suggestion. I'm going to check my FS9 installation.....

    now i'm thinking i had this kind of trouble yet but i do not remeber which scenery it was. That was because i did an installation and, after relevant folders copied i did an uninstall. :cry: So probably Menorca has to be the same: with the uninstall the two files .OFF you mentioned have been reverted to.bgl.

    Luigi :wink:




  3. i deleted P. Mauri SRTM mesh for Spain and restored LAGO Terramesh Spain+Portugal (13 files). After that i replaced menorcamesh10.bgl with the file menorcamesh11.OFF in Goodies folder and renamed menorcamesh11.OFF as menorcamesh10.bgl.

    Should work now????

    NOPE :cry: same problem with "EMPTY" coastline.


    Can anyone please help?

    Thanks a lot

    Luigi :wink:

  4. Hi,

    i had Menorca2002 installed on my HD but after seen pic's of the new version i couldn't resist and today i bought 2004 version.

    I have a couple questions though (see pic) perhaps related to an older mesh installed:

    1) how can i find files i have to delete? Maybe those files do not cover only Balearic Islands but instead the whole Spain (i.e. P. Mauri SRTM mesh). I remember i had a similar problem with Gibraltar 2004, but now there all is ok!

    2) same for landclass files: how can i identify the files i need to get rid of? in fact i cannot get same image quality as in the promo pics. Terrain is not so well blended.....

    Thanks in advance for helping

    Luigi :wink:


  5. Hi there.

    I'm a registered owner of Both FSUIPC v3.0.3 an WideFS v.6.02.

    I used to run different addon (Radar Contact, NAV3, FSMeteo) on a linked PC. Now in FS9 it seems i can use anymore IPX/SPX protocol but only TCP/IP.

    If i set my wideclient.ini this way



    i cannot link any of the addon with FS9

    In i set wideclient.ini




    addon can connect to FS9 but only after several attempts (ShowText tell me) and data tranfer seems a bit slow :(

    Can anyone plese help?

    Thanks in advance

    Luigi :wink:

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