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About lineman55

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  • Location
    West Haven,Connecticut
  • Interests
    Flying,Simming,RC aircraft

lineman55's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks Pete, I think I will work with Project Magentas Quickmap on a 7" monitor.. more cost effective then buying a new GPS 8)
  2. Hi, I have been reading here and trying to get my GARMIN 176C (marine) unit to read something..anything using GPSOUT with FS9. I believe that not all units are capable of this..I think. Some people have been able to get some older units working and mine is about 4yr old.. I have tried all of the information listed in my "sentence" and nothing seemed to have worked. Interval : 1000 4800 baud. My most logical choice in the GPS was NMEA In/NMEA Out. I have these for choices also: GARMIN DATA TRANSFER GARMIN DGPS TEXT OUT RTCM IN RTCM IN/NMEA OUT RTCM IN/TEXT OUT NONE It states in the manual for NMEA IN/NMEA OUT: " supports the input/output os standard NMEA 0183 VER 2.3 data, and sonar NMEA input support for DPT,MTW and VHW sentences." Does this pretty much sum it up for "IM OUTA LUCK'?? :lol: Also..how can I tell if I have the correct COM connected? Both COMS are being said in XP are enabled and working? The GPS is not read by windows. Appreciate any help on this. Kind regards James
  3. Pete, Thankyou for the the answer..but I have to ask where is this "programers guide"? Is this the list with all of the values for FS FUNCTIONS?. Mine did not list governor if were both talking about the same thing. Thats why Im here writing this. :wink: Where can I find this file? Mabe mines outdated? Much appreciated.
  4. Hi everyone, I am building a helicopter cockpit and on my collective I am assigning a gov switch for incr/decr using a 3 way switch 1/o/2 . I am using Phidgets for the board. I printed out the FSUIPC list that came with the Phidgets software. I can see the description of GOV INCR and DECR in FSUIPC in FS9, but that wont read my switch going through Phidgets. If I can get the values needed I can make it work. I have killed half my day trying to get this to work. Appreciate any help here. Kind regrds James I do have the latest ver and registered. 8)
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