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Posts posted by Steve_Park

  1. Pete,

    I tried what you suggested and in the PMDG NG, I get a blank cockpit when I move the PMDGoption.dll file out of the \modules folder and start the aircraft with FSUIPC 3.128. Move the PMDGOption.dll back again, and I get the cockpit back, but autopilot does not work. I replace the 3.128 with 3.125 and everything works again (as it has since I purchased and registered FSUIPC 3.00). Seems to be just this release.

    I also tried to load the Simulation Software Workshop's A310 and I get a message that "wrong or no FSUIPC" is present, the a "Failed to connect to FSUIPC" message. When I replace 3.128 with 3.125, all works well again. I haven't been over to the SSW support forum and see what they are saying there, just repeated something I saw in my thread in the PMDG forum at AVSIM. I also have not tried the 3.128 release with any other "Complex" addon I have so may be affecting more than just these two.

    Steve Park

  2. Pete,

    I too noticed that the autopilot and autothrottle both were inoperative after installing 3.128 (registered) and trying to fly the PMDG 737 NG. Several other's saw this in the PMDG forum and also mentioned that the SSW A310 forum had mentioned the same thing. Going back to 3.125 solved the problem, so will be sticking with that one for now.

    Steve Park


  3. OK, problem fixed..pretty strange.

    Something in WinXP was keeping ACLoader from writing to the ACLoader.ini file. It would not even let me rename it so it would built again after starting the program. Could not find any link to any process running, so tried again and got it renamed ok, Started ACLoader V4, reentered Key's and voila, all works like a charm for both FS2002 and FS9...

    Happy Camper Again :D

    Steve Park


  4. Scott,

    I am sending you an e-mail at the support address with several screen shot's of what's happing.

    To answer some questions you posed, right now I have acl pointing to FS2002 and not FS2004. But I don't really have "Any thing" set, as I can't click the Set button without getting that 123 error.

    I am starting ACLoader from a shortcut and the properties are correctly pointing the the ACLoader V4 folder. I have also tried starting it from within the ACloader V4 folder by clicking on the .exe file. Same results.

    If I wipe it out and reinstall it, will I have to regenerate a new code and get a new key?

    Steve Park

  5. Scott,

    I unzipped as the readme.txt in the zip told me to do. Actually, I have them in a folder next to V3. The full path is G:\Program Files\ACLoader V4.

    As for No Aircraft, when I start ACL4, I get that error message (123), then the standard V4 splash screen and I assume the normal window you see where you select the aircraft or load a flight plan. But the Aircraft window is blank. I can select reload aircraft list form the files menu, but have lot's of those duplicate name errors that I am working through fixing. As for the \ACLoader V4\Data folder, there are 147 files, plus the DC8 folder. I have added a few from the support section of your web site.

    After I select Reload Aircraft and OK through about 20 Error messages about the dup's, I can select an aircraft model, but that's all. Can not change or write any config's or generate load. But without being able to use the Setup to set my flightsim path, I am at a dead end........ :cry:

  6. Scott,

    Just recently bought you fine product after using 3.4 for many years. I am getting the following errors and can find no reference to any of them in the V4 manual or the forum.

    On startup, I get an "I/O Error 123", press OK and ACL 4.04.52 starts with normal screen. It has no aircraft to select and I am getting the multiple aircraft error messages when I try to reload the aircraft list, but I know what to do about that from other post's in the forum.

    On trying to use the Settings screen to set my FS2002 or FS2004 path, when I hit the SET button, I am getting an "I/O Error 32" and can't set the path. Anther screen pop's up when I try to exit the setting screen and says I will need to reenter my registration info next time I start ACL, but that does not happen and can't use the program at all.

    Any Idea's?

    System is:

    P4 2.8 GHz W/533 FSB

    Gigabyte GA8-PE677 Ultra MB

    1 Gig PC2700/DDR333

    WinXP Home W/SP1

    FS2000, FS2002, FS2004 installed on Drive's G:, E:, and G: respectively

    Asus 8460/Gforce TI-4600 W/128 DDR W/44.03 Detonator Drivers

    FS2004 using FSUIPC V3.03 (registered) and FS2000 is using FSUIPC V2.975

    Steve Park


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