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  1. Hi John, I updated FSUIPC and when starting the Sim, also FSUIPC started. All looks good so far! I didn't fly yet, but I trust that won't be an issue if FSUPIC has started. Thanks for the support! (....and for making FSUIPC available for FS2020 :-) ) Tom
  2. Hi John, KB5015807 was installed meanwhile also on my machine with no impact, as far as I can tell. KB5014671 seems not to be installed by now. I'll do the update of FSUIPC7 over the weekend and will let you know. (Today is our flying day and I don't want to touch the system before that) Tom
  3. Hi John, Thanks for the reply. Yes, I rebooted several times. I also tried to delete and re-install Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2020, both x86 and x64. However, no success in that matter - still the same behaviour. As far as I can tell, there is no log. I suspect (!) that it might have something to do with the Windows10 update. After anything else failed, I was able to revert to an earlier restore point (<-is that the correct English expression) of Win10 (used July 5th). All worked fine after that. As far as I can tell from the event viewer, these two updates were installed: KB5015807 KB5014671 Not sure how long Win10 will let me go w/o these, but for the moment I can fly. I also did not yet try to update FSUIPC. Best regards Tom
  4. HI all, I am having an issue similar to this one since today. FSUIPC7 does not start at all, i.e. there is no Icon in the taskbar and also none of my stuff connected (Axes=Joysticks, Opencockpit cards) do work, which means I can't fly. I did an update to version 7.3.7 and since then I have the issue. (also today there was a win10 update, which I was trying to remove as one of the things I tried) I did all what is suggested here: - de-installed an re-installed, also using an older version - deleted the EXE.xml - modified the MSFS.bat - unchecked the Mobiflight items - added DisableMSFSMonitor=Enum FSUIPC.ini all without sucess. Also, I am not able to start FSUIPC manually. If I click the icon OR click the FSUIPC.exe and use the rightclick-open menu, There will be a new task for a fraction of a second in the applications bar, but this goes away immediatelly, so I can't tell what it is or what it says. When starting via the MSFS.bat, I see the splashscreen, MSFS opens, but FSUIPC7 is still not there. I cannot find it in the taskbar, it is not shown in the TaskManager and I also can't open via ALT-F. This is the EXE-xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> <SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0"><Descr>Launch</Descr><Filename>EXE.xml</Filename><Disabled>False</Disabled><Launch.ManualLoad>False</Launch.ManualLoad><Launch.Addon><Disabled>False</Disabled><ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad><Name>FSUIPC7</Name><Path>C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe</Path><CommandLine>-auto</CommandLine><NewConsole>False</NewConsole></Launch.Addon></SimBase.Document> Attached is the Installation log Any help highly appreciated - without FSUIPC I am grounded :-( Best regards Tom InstallFSUIPC7.log
  5. Thank you very much for your help and especially for the enormously speedy responses!!!!! As I said, I could not manage to get this visible, so I will take your recommendation and go with Lua Not the solution I was hoping for, but the way how to get there and saving me the time do do more trials and headache. Then I will start digging into that Lua-thing, which I did not understand so far (im not an IT professional, just learning by doing) Thanks again!!!
  6. OK - getting closer.... (I am using 4.81) I did as you said with the same result: Entry is not visible in the controls list. So far I thought that it would not be relevant what the actual commands in the macro file are supposed to do, but when reading your last post, I suspected it might be.... Therefore I created another file with command lines from you example in the user guide and this is visible. Then I modified my file with just copying your example lines into this one and now this one is visible too. Do the macros only appear if the content is executable and faultless? What it is supposed to do: I have created two additional cockpit views (my 34 degree cockpit window view to the left and to the right). The macro was supposed to open these two windows by pulling up the menu "view" - "New View" - "Cockpit" - "my 1st window" and then the same with my second window, each with the respective (German) keystrokes. This did work with window number 1, but I failed when adding window nr. 2. I only assumed (this is what I tried to express saying "apparently") that it did stop at Nr. 9 as it was opening number 1 es expected and then did some more, but did not open nr 2 as expected So I understand that Nr. 1 only worked because it was in the keyboard buffer and therefore also the entry was visible in the command list?
  7. I will try again later today as advised, but this is actually how I did in the first trial - numbering from 1 to 13 with no leading zero. Unfortunatelly the macro (the modified mouse macro as described above) did not run through all the 13 lines, but apparently stopped at number nine, that's why I tried with the leading zero. I actually had three macro files (one with leading zeros and one without and the third one with two subroutines [one from 1-6 and the other from 1-7 (lines 7-13] as above ) referenced in the FSUIPC.ini, [MacroFiles] 1=Tom 2=Tom1 3=Tom2 but again only the one I created FSX-internally as "Mouse Macro" did appear in the list, but the others did not, neither did the "second part" I added in the Macro file with lines 1-7 , only the one MouseMacro and name I created in FSX. As said before, I will ty again later today and post my results. Thank you for the moment.
  8. Dear Peter, first of all: Thanks for the probably most valuable "Add-on" to FSX ever! FSUIPC helps to cure many, many smaller and bigger issues and enables a world of opportunities. Great work! I think without FSUIPC there were significantly less enthusiastic simmers. I hope Microsoft is aware of that! Now a question I am unable to solve. I am trying to create a Marco file. But the name/macro does not show up in the list of controls when I try to assign this to a button. I tried to create a Mouse Macro successfully and the macro could be selected in the controls section. Then I altered the commands in the macro file. This worked pretty well for the first lines of commands ( I need more then 10). Then I edited the file again and changes the name. The macro is not visible any longer and despite reading through the documentation for many times now I cannot find the error. FSUIPC.ini: [MacroFiles] 1=TomFenst Macro file: TomFenst.MCRO [Macros] 1=Seiten 1.01=K83,16 1.02=K78,8 1.03=K39,8 1.04=K40,8 1.05=K40,8 1.06=K13,8 1.07=K83,16 1.08=K78,8 1.09=K39,8 1.10=K40,8 1.11=K40,8 1.12=K40,8 1.13=K13,8 What am I doing wrong? Best regards, Tom
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