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  1. That's good to know, thanks John. Best regards, Nico
  2. Hello, Do I have to set FSUIPC as administrator or is it done by Prepar3dv5 when I start this program as adminstrator? If yes where is that file that has to be set. Thanks, Nico
  3. Nico, I have informed the development team to check this for a future update. Chris Makris Customer & Product Support PMDG Simulations, LLC
  4. Hello Pete, I'm building an overhead panel for the PMDG-777-300ER. I need the offset values for ELEC_annunBatteryOFF & ELEC_annunAPUGenOFF so those two leds will come alive on my panel. I don't see them in the supplied list. Do I have to contact PMDG or can you supply me with those missing values? Thanks, Nico
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