Hi Pete,
Well, I'm enjoying fs9 quite nicely and hav erecently discovered something . The biggest boost in frame rates for me is the reduction of visibility which I learned from your previous versions of FSUIPC. Here's my question..almost invariably when I download weather thru Jeppeson (within fs9) it defaults to approx. 50 mi. visibility and light clouds, which is typical for the area in which I live. Now, when I open the weather drop down menu, I see the weather slider all the way to the right (unlimited visibility) When I move that slider to the left to about 40 mi. visibility, I get a pretty dramatic jump in frame rates with very little difference in quality. If I install FSUIPC, (haven't purchased it yet) can I get FSUIPC to limit the visibility to under 50 mi. regardless of what weather I download? BTW, I'm not using ActiveSky or FSMeteo.