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José Adolfo Medina

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About José Adolfo Medina

  • Birthday 07/07/1965

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  1. Hello, I have configurated all axes (Honeycomb Alpha, Bravo and CH Pedals) only via FSIPC "Send direct to FSUIPC calibration", is not assigned any axe on MSFS Configuration. From ver. 7.4.3. not move any axe on MSFS, all three devices with the same problem. I test on FSUIPC and all is correct (assignaments and calibrations) but neither axe move on simulator. I have trying with PMDG B738, Flysimware C414, Fenix A320, etc. Always the same problem. At the moment, I have assigned axes on MSFS configuration becouse I can´t move any axe via FSUIPC. Any solution? Thanks and regards. FSUIPC7.log
  2. Hi Pete, Sorry for the picture or other wrong information. My English is very bad and is very difficult for me understand correctly. Yes, your solution is correct. I removed the dll.xml file, and install FSUIPC5 again. The problem is solved!!! Thank you very much!!!
  3. Hi Pete, Attach three files: The install log inside F:\Prepar3D v4\Modules, a picture of the folder where is dll.xml and the file dll.xml Thanks for your help. J. Adolfo Medina dll.xml FSUIPC5 Install.log
  4. Hi, At first time, sorry for my bad English. I install FSUIPC5. On the install log is all ok, but I run P3Dv4 and FSUIPC is not on the add-ons menu, is not anywhere. I read the pdf file with isntructions and Ithink that I do it all steps correct. Maybe I have only one quetion: On the step 5, what is "special permissions" for the modules folder? On my Spanish windows 10, I add in "SEGURIDAD", "Control total" on all users for this folder. Is this correct? The dll.xml file is on the correct path. Attached the install log file. Thanks for your help and I am waiting for buy the license :-) FSUIPC5 Install.log
  5. Hi, I think like you, that this is a VRInsight software problem compatibilty with P3d V3. VRInsight hasen't support forum, then I am waiting for a next software version. Thank you very much for your help.
  6. Sorry, I copy/paste the screenshot on the post, but is not here. Now a link for download the file. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38088240/Error%20SFP2jpg.jpg Thanks.
  7. Hi Pete, Thansk for your quick answer. Well, I find this number on the Advanced user guide, but now other problem. I am going to try to explain (sorry, I speak English very bad). I am using: Perpar3d V3.1 on Win10 Pro 64 VrInsight software Serial FP2 to assign keys/fsuipc numbers to a button of hardware MCP Combo 2. Some weeks ago, I used FSX on Win7 Home 64. I assing a key to button with VRinsight software, then in FSUIPC assign this key with drop down list to a function and all ready fine. Now, the problem is: - Serial FP2 assing user Button "0" of MCPcomb to key "F1" - Open P3d, open FSUIPC - Select "Key Press" and push on "SET". Fsuipc is waiting "PRESS ANY KEY". - I push the button "0" from MCPcombo but not put F1 key. On FSX, when push the button, put "F1" then dropdown list and selectt the funcition. Now is not possible, not show F1 when push the button. Is for this problem I need to assign each button of MCPcombo using FSUIPC number. Right this all is ready and good with lights toggle, battery toggle, etc. Well, the number from action "Com1/2 switch" is not accepted for SerialFp2 software. Attached and screenshot with the error message. I am very sad becouse is very difficult for me to explain me in English. Sorry very very much. Please, may you help me? Thank you very much.
  8. Hello, At first time, sorry for my bad English. I am looking for this function "COM1/2 TX switch" on this list of FSUIPC functions for use it on a VRInsight MCB Combo 2 Boeing, but not find it: http://vrinsight.com/devel_shot/Manual/Keymapper_FSUIPC_Program/List%20of%20FSX%20controls.pdf Please, may you help me to find the number of the control for this function? Thank and best regards.
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