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    Tromsø, Norway

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  1. Thank you! Hope we get it soon!
  2. Azul for the E190 (NOT E195)
  3. I tried with the E195, E175 and E170 there it works, it is only the E190a as it is pr now that is the problem.
  4. The E190 only have this problem, 170/175 and 195 it is as it should be.
  5. Hey, here we go: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1epeR3SxHkos_b2EkZxX7NM2GHxUcZ8-Q There is all 3 files, FXML, CUST and WX Hope it helps. Also it is some visual problems with the wingview on right hand side, This is Flaps 2 set, and only the fairing go down not the flaps it self. On the left hand side it is working as normal.
  6. Hey, Yeah sure, where you wan`t me to send it?
  7. I use latest P3Dv4 with HF2. I set up the FMC in this case it was EHAM-EGLC Acft: E190 39.5 tonnes in TOW Did put in weight (ZFW, FUEL and TOW in the PERF page in the FMC) Wind at EHAM at the time 190/7kt Temperature outside 8 degrees RWY24, full length, at EHAM with SID VALKO1S Did activate FLEX TEMP in the FMC and pushed enter that is highlighted in the FMC, (long rwy, so TO2, and Flex 40degrees) Flaps 2 takeoff N1 with TO1 was 89,9% N1 with TO2 was the same 89,9% When flex added in this case 40C, the N1 should be reduced to like between 78 and 81% N1 Nothing changed at all, it was still 89.9% Did the exact same way as I did on the "old" Ejets, and there flex worked just fine. On the return from EGLC back to EHAM, same procedure, TO1 because of the short runway at EGLC, Flaps 4 for takeoff. Nothing happened, still 89.9% even if i swapped between TO1 and TO2 the N1 did not change at all. In this case it should at least change N1 between TO1 and TO2, but same value. Rgds Kim
  8. Hello, I do have problems with the FLEX takeoff on the Ejets, it does not work at all.. Anyhow high or low temperature I am setting, the N1 do not change.. So I will say that it seems like FLEX takeoff is NOT modelled or simulated, only TO1 and TO2 but no assumed temperature above that.. Maybe it is a bug, but hope that will be fixed! when you pay close to 100$ for a product it should be simulated or at least fixed..
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