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Posts posted by vince71

  1. Hi Pete,

    Here's the log file:

    ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.827 by Pete Dowson *********

    User Name="Vince Amato"

    User Addr="vamato@videotron.ca"

    FSUIPC4 Key is provided

    WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired

    Running inside FSX on Windows Vista

    Module base=61000000

    47 System time = 25/06/2012 20:49:58

    47 FLT path = "E:\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"

    94 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...

    94 FS path = "F:\Games\FlightSimX\"

    515 LogOptions=00000000 00000003

    515 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed

    515 G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok

    515 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

    515 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07

    4727 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61472.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)

    4727 Initialising SimConnect data requests now

    4727 FSUIPC Menu entry added

    4821 e:\my documents\flight simulator x files\Last Stop.FLT

    4821 E:\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\CYWG - KDEN.PLN

    4821 F:\Games\FlightSimX\SimObjects\Airplanes\Air Canada Express CRJ-200\sac_crj.AIR

    4821 E:\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\CYWG - KDEN.PLN

    42729 Aircraft="Air Canada Express CRJ-200 (Star Alliance)"

    42729 System time = 25/06/2012 20:50:41, Simulator time = 20:50:04 (01:50Z)

    46520 Starting everything now ...

    47721 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=49.91, Lon=-97.22, Alt=0.0, Req=1

    47721 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "CYWG&A239 222100Z 27008KT&D0LG 24KM&B-1739&D3384 4CU054&CU001FMMN000N 3CI250&CI001FNMN000N 24/13 Q1013 "

    47721 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=49.9066, Lon=-97.2224, Alt=0.0m

    47721 ***ICAOset = CYWG

    47721 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

    49889 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0

    49889 Weather Received (type 1 request, AtStation): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2001NG 27025KT&A6001NG 100KM&B-448&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 197 15 270 25 | "

    49889 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB

    49889 Results: FS98 Pressure=1013.9 mb

    49889 Results: FS98 Wind0: ground (784ft) to -780ft AGL, dir 0M, vel 0, gust 0, turb 0

    49889 Results: FS98 CurrTemp at PlaneAlt=787: 24C

    52214 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=49.91, Lon=-97.22, Alt=0.0, Req=1

    52214 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "CYWG&A239 222100Z 27008KT&D0LG 24KM&B-1739&D3384 4CU054&CU001FMMN000N 3CI250&CI001FNMN000N 24/13 Q1013 "

    52214 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=49.9066, Lon=-97.2224, Alt=0.0m

    52214 >Change: FS98 Vis: range =0sm, (raw value=0)

    52214 >Change: FS98 Temp0: to 784ft, Day 0.0C, NightVar 0.0C

    52214 >Change: FS98 Dewpoint Control: disabled

    52214 >Change: FS98 Precip Control: disabled

    54242 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=49.91, Lon=-97.22, Alt=240.3, Req=2

    54242 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 260150Z 00000KT&D0NG 24KM&B-1500&D3384 4CU061&CU001FMMN000N 3CI257&CI001FNMN000N 24/13 Q1013 "

    54242 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=49.9066, Lon=-97.2224, Alt=240.3m

    56551 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=49.91, Lon=-97.22, Alt=0.0, Req=1

    56551 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "CYWG&A239 222100Z 27008KT&D0LG 24KM&B-1739&D3384 4CU054&CU001FMMN000N 3CI250&CI001FNMN000N 24/13 Q1013 "

    56551 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=49.9066, Lon=-97.2224, Alt=0.0m

    56551 >Change: Pressure=1013.0 mb

    56551 >Change: Surface wind: to alt=784ft, dir=0T, vel=0.0, gust=0.0, turb=0, shear=0, var=0.0

    56551 >Change: Visibility[0]: range=14.9sm (23995m), from=-4920ft, to=6180ft

    56551 >Change: Cloud[0]: type=9, from 6100ft to 10100ft (+/- 0ft), cover=4, turb=2, topshape=0

    56551 >Change: Precip=0, base=0ft, rate=0, icing=0

    56551 >Change: Cloud[1]: type=1, from 25700ft to 25900ft (+/- 0ft), cover=3, turb=0, topshape=0

    56551 >Change: Precip=0, base=0ft, rate=0, icing=0

    56551 >Change: Temperature[0]: alt=784ft, Day=24.0 C, NightVar=0.0 C, DewPt=13.0 C

    56551 Results: FS98 Wind0: ground (784ft) to 0ft AGL, dir 0M, vel 0, gust 0, turb 0

    56551 Results: FS98 Vis: range =15sm, (raw value=1491)

    56551 Results: FS98 Cloud1: type=9, from 6100ft to 10100ft (+/- 0ft), cover 4, turb 144, ice 0

    56551 Results: FS98 Cloud2: type=1, from 25700ft to 25900ft (+/- 0ft), cover 3, turb 0, ice 0

    56551 Results: FS98 Temp0: to 784ft, Day 24.0C, NightVar 0.0C

    58891 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0

    58891 Weather Received (type 1 request, AtStation): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2001NG 27025KT&A6001NG 100KM&B-448&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 197 15 270 25 | "

    58891 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB

    61059 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=49.91, Lon=-97.22, Alt=0.0, Req=1

    61059 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "CYWG&A239 222100Z 27008KT&D0LG 24KM&B-1739&D3384 4CU054&CU001FMMN000N 3CI250&CI001FNMN000N 24/13 Q1013 "

    61059 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=49.9066, Lon=-97.2224, Alt=0.0m

    71152 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 21 secs = 35.2 fps

    73773 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=49.91, Lon=-97.22, Alt=240.3, Req=2

    73773 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 260150Z 00000KT&D0NG 24KM&B-1500&D3384 4CU061&CU001FMMN000N 3CI257&CI001FNMN000N 24/13 Q1013 "

    73773 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=49.9066, Lon=-97.2224, Alt=240.3m

    75926 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=49.91, Lon=-97.22, Alt=0.0, Req=1

    75926 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "CYWG&A239 222100Z 27008KT&D0LG 24KM&B-1739&D3384 4CU054&CU001FMMN000N 3CI250&CI001FNMN000N 24/13 Q1013 "

    75926 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=49.9066, Lon=-97.2224, Alt=0.0m

    78703 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0

    78703 Weather Received (type 1 request, AtStation): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2001NG 27025KT&A6001NG 100KM&B-448&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 197 15 270 25 | "

    78703 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB

    81043 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=49.91, Lon=-97.22, Alt=0.0, Req=1

    81043 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "CYWG&A239 222100Z 27008KT&D0LG 24KM&B-1739&D3384 4CU054&CU001FMMN000N 3CI250&CI001FNMN000N 24/13 Q1013 "

    81043 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=49.9066, Lon=-97.2224, Alt=0.0m

    88999 System time = 25/06/2012 20:51:27, Simulator time = 20:50:33 (01:50Z)

    88999 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

    Average frame rate for running time of 28 secs = 36.5 fps

    G3D fix: Passes 14375, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0

    Memory managed: 15 Allocs, 15 Freed

    ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

    Thanks for the assist!


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