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  1. Thank-you John, I tried the excusions from my Windows Defender which did significantly improve the severity of the pause but it was still noticeable. It is useful to understand why it is happening. Thank-you for your advice. Michael
  2. Thanks Thomas and Pete for your advice. Unfortunately I still have an ussue with prolonged pausing with the PMDG 737 which is synchronous with the Autosave. If I run a generic aircraft there is oly a momentary microstutter at autosave I have uninstalled the FSUIPC and reinstalled it just into P3D v5 . I created a folder outside P3Dv5 called FSUIPC on the C drive. I still have P3D v 4.5 on the computer installed on the C drive in the file called Locheed Martin. I note the modules folder is still there. I have installed the P3Dv5 on the F drive. I have added the additional text to the configuration file for the PMDG aircraft as per the advanced manual for FSUIPC. This is a link to a short video of the PMDG 737 showing the prolonged pause which disappears if I disable autosave. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1so0vYRJ5Ht9SmuCtY5Nf-GFGZ7tIDPEb/view?usp=drivesdk I have attached screen prints of the P3D v4.5 modules fiolder and the FSUIPC folder I have created in the C drive as a folder ooutside the P3Dv5 main folder Are you able to see any reason for this issue. Thank-you Michael FSUIPC6.ini
  3. I have last week decided to purchase P3D v5. I have on my computer P3Dv4.5 with FSUIPC v6. When I installed P3D v5 the FSUIPC automatically appeared In P3D v5 using the same settings as P3Dv4.5. However with the PMDG aIrcraft 737 I have noticed that it frequently pauses for 1-2 seconds which appears to be related to autosave as when I disabled autosave the prolonged pause disappeared. As I have decided not to continue with P3D v4.5 I tried moving the modules folder in P3D v4.5 to P3D v5. However then FSUIPC disappeared from P3D v5. Are you able to advise me how to resolve this issue? Thank-you Michael Houghton
  4. Thank-you for pointing this out. I had missed this thinking by choosing Kg in the Load manager of the configuration utility this would change the units in the FMS. Mike
  5. Before I start P3D I go to the Ejets configuration manager and choose Kg. However when I open my Ejets 175 or 195 in P3D the units in the FMS are in lb. Is it possible to change the units in the FMS to Kg. Or is it necessary to convert from Kg to lb before inputting any figures into the FMS? Thank-you. Michael Houghton
  6. I have just purchased the feelthere E-Jets v2 for P3Dv4 from simmarket. I am trying to find liveries. I had bought McPhat _Ejetsv2-WA1 and McPhat _Ejetsv2-WA2 for FSX previously but don't know if this would work with the P3Dv4 version. Is there anywhere to get liveries for the E-Jets V2(P3Dv4 version). Thank-you. Michael Houghton
  7. I just wanted to say that after spending some time learning how this aircraft functions I would have to say I have been very pleased with it. My concerns about slow frame rates do not appear to have been a problem.It does take some learning as everything is just a bit different from the Boeing and Airbus Aircraft but it was worth the time learning how this aircraft functions. It appears my initial impressions were wrong. Mike Houghton
  8. Thanks for the reply. So I have the latest version. It appeared to me the frame rates where slow in comparison to other add-ons and I thought I had read that what I had bought had been transposed from FS9 to FSX which is why the frame rates were effected. Is this right? Thanks, Mike
  9. Last year I purchased the boxed version of Just Flight Embraer 175 and Embraer 195. I think have made a mistake with this purchase as it does not work well with frame rates on my FSX. i presume the Just Flight Embraer 175 and Embraer 195 I bought last year has been upgraded now there is mention of version 2 which it does not say on my boxed Just Flight version. I have considered purchasing either the E-Jets series or the E-Jets v2. Embraer 175/195. I note that the E-Jets v2. Embraer 175/195 is more expensive but please could you advise of the differences and which you would recommend I purchase as I cannot work put which is the most recent and best product. Thank-you, Mike Houghton
  10. Dear Peter, I have a problem with this joystick as it does not recognise four engines. I noted in your FSUIPC instructions that one can use your program to use four engines. I have tried various steps on the Joystick CalibrationPage but I cannot get the third engine working. I attach a link to my dropbox folder of the relevant page and wondered if you had any answer for me. https://www.dropbox.com/s/q0olt74g9uytfsy/Throttle%20settings%20BMP.bmp?dl=0 Also is there a way of setting the FSUIPC back to default settings. I tried the Normal defaults on the 'options and settings' page but this did not seem to reset it. Thanks for your help Michael Houghton
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