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Bill Platt

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Posts posted by Bill Platt

  1. Thanks Pete, and apologies about my grammar in that post.. I was obviously not paying attention to some spelling and grammar with that. :) Glad you understood it.

    Yes you are right it doesn't happen with the other two, I realized I had accidentally minimized AS2012 to the systray when I was testing that.. My apologies.

    Lastly, can you confirm this is a recent addition you made just for peace of mind. Or did I get lucky that it wasn't doing this with the build I was using before I upgraded? You know how us simmers are, one thing happens that is different from what we are used to and we start freakin out. :mrgreen:

    Thanks again sir!


  2. Hiya Pete.. Today was a maintenance day for me and I finally upgraded FSUIPC for Prepar3D and it is doing something it has never done before and I'm having a bit of a time trying to figure out how to stop it. If I run Prepar3D with either ActiveSky, REX, or even FSRealLite and I set the weather to a local preset like "Fair Weather" FSUIPC is automatically reverting it back to custom weather.

    The log

    50903 Weather Mode now = Theme

    51074 Weather Mode now = Global

    Sometimes the weather depiction during a land, taking off or in general sometimes isn't exactly what I want so I will go in and set it to a weather theme instead. Before it would always stick with the theme weather and only go back to custom weather when the weather program set new data to Prepar3D.

    How do I go about getting FSUIPC to stop resetting the weather back to global?

    Thanks Pete!


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