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Marco Aurelio

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  1. Thanks Pete....Mr. Dowson.....I'll remember that next time. Warmly, Marco Aurélio.
  2. Hi Downson, Can I run Ivap User Interface on another PC using WIDE FS only ? Thanks. Marco Aurélio.
  3. Microsoft has released a patch to fix Windows 8.1 mouse issue..... http://support.micro....com/kb/2908279 Regards, Marco Aurelio
  4. Microsoft has released a patch to fix Windows 8.1 mouse issue..... http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2908279 Regards, Marco Aurelio
  5. Hi ..... In my case I've just found that LINDA was causing the problem when it was loading together FSX. This problem appeared after windows 8.1 update. Now i'm initializing LINDA after FSX...into the simulation itself. I'm using FSUIPC 4.921i. I'm not using FSUIPC Mouse Look. I hope that can helps someone else.. Regards, Marco Aurelio
  6. Ok Downson...I apologize for this inconvenience. I`ve appreciated your time. Warmly, Marco Aurelio
  7. No Pete I'm using FSUIPC....version 4.921i....All my assingments are done via FSUIPC....What I said was ...even using a default aircraft.... Thanks, Marco
  8. Hi Pete... Yes, what I meant was...When I star-up FLY NOW in the FSX...even with some default aircraft....sometimes the associated button at mouse wheel works perfetly...sometimes doesn't......for panning views. By-the-way FSUIPC Mouse Look is unchecked. Marco
  9. Hi Pete... Seems that the problem remains.....Sometimes I achieve to use Mouse wheel button for panning views in Virtual Cockpit sometimes don't...and more recently I have been experimeting some crash-to-desktop.... Could you help me to solve that problem ?..By-the-way I'm using Windows 8.1 pro 64 bits. Thanks. Marco Aurelio
  10. Mr. Dowson, I've just reinstalled the EZCAM and the problem has gone....sorry . Best regards and congratulations to your support and attention ! Warmly, Marco Aurelio.
  11. Ok...now 4.921i , I used to panning views in VC holding mouse wheel button...Recently after updated to release 4.921f...and now 4.921i, I noticed that it no longer happens. Does it make sense ? Thanks Peter....BTW wind tab is an outstanding job ! Warmly, Marco Aurelio.
  12. Sorry Peter... Seems that this topic was worked before.....After I have installed version 4.92 I no longer achieve to use my mouse wheel to Pan view and zoom in and out it. I`m using EzCam too, although I achieve moving switches and knobs. Thanks.
  13. If I've understood .....By-The-Way 4.90 ! Regards, MX.
  14. Hi Pete, Congratulations once more to Winds Tab on Fsuipc...I don't know how I could survive during all this time without using Winds Tab...Unbelievable !!! :razz: Warmly, Marco Aurelio.
  15. Pete, I've just logged your sent code. Thanks once more ! Let me try the new Fsuipc.ini for some time and I'll report to you the results. BTW I'm running Airbus X A320/A321 with apparent better results in Preview DirectX 10.... although the page 7 of Volume 1 of the Airbus X documentation advises to Keep it off. Warmly, MX
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