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Posts posted by Volleyball

  1. Hello, Fabio,

    As I stated above, I did follow your steps to re-run P3D then load default flight with default F22 at the default airport. After that I start the FlightControlReplay and load the saved flight. But still have no luck. the wing gear won't retract, the wing flex is not correct and the flaps won't change position.

    I'll try the fix fps tip in P3D and report back but in some complex sceneries I can't get fixed 30 FPS because my computer isn't strong enough. Would that be a problem?

    Something more, sometimes I record my landing, but I only have 2 files generated by FCR, one is .fxml and one is .wx. No .fcr and no .kml file generated so I can't replay that landing. Did I missed something? 

    Thank you for the quick reply :) 

  2. Hello, Fabio,

    I'd like to report issue too.

    I'm flying the PMDG 747 QOTS II

    After the steps you said above,

    close P3D, run P3D,

    I tried to load the fight in the departure airport with PMDG aircraft or defualt F22 at default airport (I'm not sure what do you mean by load default flight?) and after the aircraft fully loaded,
    I load the saved flight from FCR but there are no wing flex, gear animation is normal except the wing gear won't retract, and the flaps keep at takeoff flaps position and won't retract as I did. Seems the animation part is not working correctly. Any ideas?

    And the second big problem is that the replay rate is jumping sometimes. If I use automatic sample rate, when I'm replaying the flight I thought it's at 3x simrate when replaying. If I choose 30FPS sample rate, I normally got normal rate of replay but sometimes it's not so steady that would jump to like 2x simrate then back to normal. Would you please look into these problems? 

    Thank you for constant updates and this great product.

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