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  1. That worked! Thanks so much John.... this was really driving me nuts. Puzzled as to why eyepoint change was assigned to that switch. I don't think I did it, but who knows? In any event, thanks again. -Ed
  2. When P3D 5 or 6 opens with the default aircraft, the normal vr cockpit view slowly slides downward, as if the eyepoint is being lowered, and keeps going until it is basically on the runway below the aircraft. I have tried removing all assignments from FSUIPC since at first I thought that the eyepoint views I had assigned there might be causing the problem, but that has not solved the problem. If I deactivate FSUIPC the problem stops. This has only happened since I recently installed the Honeycomb Alpha yoke. Prior to that I was using a CH Eclipse yoke with no problems. I also have the Honeycomb Bravo throttle quadrant attached, as well as the Saitek multipanel and switch panel. I've attached the three files you requested, and I have searched extensively for this problem but have not been able to find anything. Thanks. FSUIPC6.JoyScan.csv FSUIPC6.log FSUIPC6.ini
  3. Hi- I was experiencing exactly the same problem with the installation file doing nothing after I clicked on it. It was driving me crazy because I have installed various versions of FSUIPC multiple times and never had a problem. So I followed metallipunk's advice and looked at the properties of the file. I checked the unblock box and voila.... it worked! So thanks for that! Now I'm curious how many others are having this problem. If it makes any difference I have a new computer running Windows 11 Home.
  4. I found out how to do it. Had to move the cursor all the way to the upper left and then a right click does bring up the little menu with the undock window choice.
  5. The description for the 175 and 195 E-Jets on the Feel There store website says that the EFIS displays in these aircraft can be popped out so they can by used on another monitor. However, when I pop out the displays there is no way to undock them. Right clicking on them just sends them back into their original position. How do I get around this? -Ed
  6. Hi- Unknowingly, after purchasing WideFS yesterday, I discovered that the FSUIPC I've been using for two years was registered in my wife's name and e-mail. Since I registered yesterday in my name and e-mail, I cannot get both of them working together since there are two different registered names. Is there a way to re-register either one so that the names and addresses on the two are the same. Thanks. -Ed
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