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Posts posted by Tomlithgow

  1. I bought FSUIPC last year so I could have more control over joysticks, rudder pedals and other peripherals.

    I have, however, started to look at the feasibility of building a motion platform for FSX. To calculate the required movements, I need to be able to pull a variety of pieces of data from FSX and I am completely at sea.

    I have looked at the documentation on LUAs that comes with FSUIPC and I can see part of the way, however, where is the LUA library? I was wanting to use Liberty Basic as my programming tool, as the Basic environment is one that I am comfortable with and because Liberty Basic has commands for calling APIs and DLLs and I (perhaps naively) thought it would be able to call LUAs as well.

    I think what I am looking at is using the n=ipc.readDBL(offset), n=ipc.readFLT(offset) & n=ipc.readDD(offset) LUAs with the relevant offset values but I don't know how to do this. Can anyone help?

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