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Posts posted by Flybynite

  1. Thanks guys for your prompt responses, it is good to participate in a lively and reactive forum.

    Let me say that I do seek a Rolls-Royce solution whereby you ask the Co-pilot to fly the plane or ask the cabin crew to bring coffee. I don’t see much entertainment value in that. Nor do I seek comprehensive pre-flight scripts which follow strict SOPs. I desire something which simplifies the user interface with FSX particularly in manipulating various key combinations, without having to pausing the program. In reading various reviews and by seeing many video’s of products, all of which are impressive, it is apparent that are also over elaborate ($$$) for my simple needs.

    By way of an example of my aims. VAC is a product that I am currently accessing which, emulates keyboard actions in response to verbal commands. It provides a nice clean user interface which is simple to set up and, although aimed more generally toward adventure games, preforms well in an FSX environment. However, some of the FSX key action menus, are cyclic, e.g. successive operation of the “A” key cycles through various cockpit displays. Similarly, changes to heading demands are achieved either by increases or decreases in heading. This constraint appears to impede the capability of VAC, in the trials format at least, particularly in setting absolute values of parameter like, heading or altitude in the autopilot.

    This morning I noticed reference to FSUIPC , within the VAC user forum, that implied some form of VAC-FSUIPC interoperability in each of the licenced versions. However, this reference was unspecific and I am pursuing this issue within that forum.

    If it is feasible that FSUIPC could provide an interface capability with VAC, in set absolute values of instrumented parameters, such as setting Nav frequencies, selection of specific display formats, or setting absolute heading demands, this might well satisfy most my current goals.

  2. I seek a speech recognition package that functions with FSX, operating within a Windows7 (64bit) environment which, enables voice commands such as,"set heading 147", "set altitude to 6000", or "set nav frequency 115 decimal 20", to function. Some archived contributors suggest using Speech Buddy 2 in conjunction with FSUIPC. Having downloaded these packages, attempts to make them function have failed and, all support from Billy Verreynne has long since evaporated.

    Has any reader successfully managed to integrate these two products and, if so, are there working scripts available to enable a relative novice to progress along the lurning curve?

    In the meantime experiments with VOC, a product that emulates key presses defined by Microsoft in response to specific verbal phrases, have been undertaken and, although this works well for most actions, it has limitations that prevent settings of absolute parameters, like heading, other than, to increment or decrement existing values. Is it practicable to integrate VOC with FSUIPC, such that, a set of keyboard strings could enable the absolute setting of specific perameters, to be achieved ?

    There are several sophisticated products on the market which provide comprehensive features including checklists. However, these tend to Aircraft type specific and, unless they can be easily adapted by a user to suit other aircraft types, it can ultimately lead along an expensive route.

    Any recommendations or helpful suggestions to meet my objective, would be appreciated


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