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Paolo borroni

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About Paolo borroni

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. to clarify: Yes PFCFSX 4.30. I use pfc jetliner console only to utilize my old serial yoke . Throttle quadrant on jetliner console is removed. So actual motorised TQ is a separate unit (as sells cockpitsonic) with different driver. fsuipc is in demand however and work together. Paolo
  2. Hi Peter recently I have purchased a new motorized throttle from cockpitsonic. My system works in parallel with the PFC driver (jetliner console) with latest release fsuipc 4.151- pfc 2.30 installed and FSX. Problem is this: After a normal take-off , trims wheels rotate in continuous. some suggestion ? regards Paolo
  3. All Ok now !! problem risolved. many thanks Pete greetings Paolo
  4. I have recently purchased fds landing gear mechanism with the cpflight mcpex1 card . I believe to have a problem of conflict with the driver pfc that I habitually use with my jetlinerconsole and the landing gear mechanism in gearup position. Landing gear performs a light movement but remains in geardown position. I have tried to physically disable the landing gear removing the wiring connection on the console but the problem is the same. Since if only I eliminate the pfc driver everything works well, I believe there is something that interferes with these command that I don't know. Some suggestion to avoid this problem ? regards Paolo Borroni
  5. I explain better you When I have bought the second separate yoke, pfc has also furnished me a switch A/B (with Y cable) to connect on jetliner console yoistick port , to use it for passing the commands to the captain on first officer. If I perform the calibrations through pfcdriver on first yoke Á. and later I go on the yoke B, the second yoke doesn't respect A calibrations settings, and both the yokes become so very sensitive . Thanks Paolo B.
  6. I have connected through a switch two jetliners joke on my jetliner console. (pfc 1.92) (fsuipc 3.48) I have to ascertain however that I don't have the same sensibility anymore. It is difficult for me on both yoke calibrate everything. Does some alternative solution exist, to recognize the two unities with the same sensibility ? Regards Paolo B.
  7. I lately have some problem with the drivers pfc 1.90. and com1 port it seems that the com port is not initialized well and so the frequencies radio don't appear on the jetliner console. I have also noticed that if I extinguish and I turn on the jetliner console the mcp of the cpflight is disarmed . I have checked the *. ini file to verify if the com port is justly inserted and all seems me in order. Pfc 1.90 set on com1 cpflight MCP set on com2 regards Paolo B.
  8. I have configured in the nvidia menu some function kays to launch the pfd.exe o my second monitor automatically. With Ctrl+1 i perform pfd.exe and with Ctrl+2 i move the application on my second monitor. help serves me please , on as can i perform these operations in automatic in the wideserver.ini ? Best regards Paolo
  9. I asked if it were possible to open an option to disarm all the mcp commands on the pfc driver , to avoid possible conflicts with cpflight MCP and PFC driver that use the same Project Majenta commands . Best regards
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