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Everything posted by CATIII

  1. Hi Pete, I expected an answer like this... Thanks for the ultra-fast reply! I know that certain flight planning tools generate their databases from FS' BGL-files, until now I didn't find any description of this format. Do you know a pointer on where I could start searching? Have a nice weekend! Michael
  2. Hey FS-gurus, I'm looking for a possibility to get the ICAO code of the nearest airport via FSUIPC or some other source. Is there a chance via BGL files? In the programmers guide there are some bgl variables ('usr vars'), but I have no idea what they're for. If anybody has a hint, I'd be glad to hear about it ;) Ciao, CATIII
  3. Dear Pete, thank you for your fast reply. This was the pointer I was looking for! Will give it a try next week. Best regards, Michael
  4. Hi, I'm using the PM software suite and FSTraffic which produces quite a lot of nice traffic around me... Now I'd like to put in some aircraft in specific locations in the air around me (e.g. 10NM ahead with opposite heading) using FSUIPC's traffic facilities. Reason is that I'd like to develop realistic TCAS events... Is there a way to do this? It's not necessary to actually "see" the airplane in the sky, I only need the indication on PM's navigation display. Thanks for any input! Bye, Michael
  5. [Double-post deleted]
  6. rana, to load a new airplane from external software my program does the following: 1) Save the current situation as "tempflight" 2) Change the 'old' aircraft name to the new one in the just created .flt-file. I'm using Delphi5 which has a unit called 'Inifiles' that has facilities for changing this type of files. 3) Load the "tempflight" via FSUIPC This takes only 2 seconds including FS' time to load the new flight. Works well. Best regards, Michael
  7. I experienced the same on WinXP Home. After startup, Wideclient used 99% of CPU time and took ~30-50 seconds until normal operation was possible. During this period it logged the message "connection assumed lost..." exactly 4 times. Installing Win2000 helped a lot. Wideclient now connects immediately within 1 or 2 seconds. Nevertheless I can reproduce the above behaviour when artificially crashing my application (which runs on top of Wideclient): Although Wideclient seems to survive the crash (no log entries), my restarted application reports: "Maybe running on WideClient, but FS not running on Server, or wrong FSUIPC". Wideclient then needs another 40 seconds and thereafter a FSUIPC_Open() is successful. I suspect that Wideclient is somehow confused or waiting if some operation with FSUIPC_Read() or FSUIPC_Write() was interrupted unexpectedly. Just wanted to let you know that other builders face similar problems :-) Unfortunately I don't have a direct solution but I suggest switching to Win2000 which solved many other small problems, too. Michael PS: Sometimes my application also crashes due to programming faults ;-)
  8. Hi Pete & community, I have written an approach plotting application which shows me the vertical and lateral deviation on a 15NM final ILS. Important for me is to know the exact dot-deviation from Localizer or Glideslope. In real life one lateral dot means one degree while one dot deviation on the glide equals 0.35 degrees deviation. Some tests with FS2004 revealed that FS must have other values. My question in short: Is there any way (via FSUIPC or BGL files) to get the appropriate values from FS to draw the exact profile in my app? Thank you for your help! Michael
  9. Hi Joachim, I wonder how to add a second ADF to my aircraft.cfg file, i.e. adding a ADF2 receiver. You can do me a favour if you publish the relevant part of the file in this forum. Thank you for your help! Michael
  10. Hi Pete, just want to let you know that I was finally able to solve my problem. I'm pretty sure that the QOS support and an "auto"-setting in the network card's connection properties caused the described behaviour. QOS support was removed and the network card set to 100MBit FullDuplex et voila: everything runs fine :-) It took me 2 days to figure it out, but it was worth it... Best regards, Michael
  11. Dear Pete, I have WideFS running using TCP/IP on 8 computers altogether. They all work fine except one. I have recently exchanged it's main board along with processor and memory, updated the OS from W2K to XP but still get the same error?!? On startup of Wideclient.exe it says it's connected via the tooltip message, but a right-click on the taskbar item reveals an empty context menu. In fact, Wideclient doesn't really seem to be connected since my application complains about that: "Maybe running on WideClient, but FS not running on Server, or wrong FSUIPC". It takes many, many seconds that Wideclient accepts a connection from my application "IOS". Here's my Wideclient log: ********* WideClient.DLL Log [version 6.22] Class=FS98MAIN ********* Date (dmy): 25/04/04, Time 17:52:22.062: Client name is IOS 62 Attempting to connect now 62 Connection made okay! 20062 Timed out response: connection assumed lost! 20062 Ready to try connection again 20125 Attempting to connect now 20125 Connection made okay! 45125 Timed out response: connection assumed lost! 45125 Ready to try connection again 45187 Attempting to connect now 45187 Connection made okay! 70187 Timed out response: connection assumed lost! 70187 Ready to try connection again 70250 Attempting to connect now 70250 Connection made okay! 95250 Timed out response: connection assumed lost! 95265 Ready to try connection again 95312 Attempting to connect now 95312 Connection made okay! 231968 New Client Application: "IOS" (Id=320) 3199875 New Client Application: "FSinterrogate" (Id=1516) 3347203 Note: Send() request depth is over 100! 3608687 send() done [25 bytes] after 7 retries, request depth is 4882 3977765 send() done [31 bytes] after 6 retries, request depth is 11834 4025375 send() done [25 bytes] after 6 retries, request depth is 12805 4026562 send() done [25 bytes] after 6 retries, request depth is 12844 4093937 send() done [25 bytes] after 6 retries, request depth is 14135 4099062 send() done [31 bytes] after 6 retries, request depth is 14304 4100312 send() done [25 bytes] after 6 retries, request depth is 14344 4101187 send() done [31 bytes] after 7 retries, request depth is 14373 4102234 send() done [31 bytes] after 7 retries, request depth is 14406 4103453 send() done [31 bytes] after 8 retries, request depth is 14441 4492109 LAN data received: PREQ ulSize=1116, ulTime=146968, uSum=46782, fUsed=0 CC 02 00 FE 05 00 9A D0 2A 13 94 60 30 00 FE 17 4492109 --> Sumcheck error! 4492109 Size Act=1127 Exp=1127, Sum Act=41131, Exp=46782 4493234 GetRecv() missed block? Sequence 146968 jumped to 147410 4519796 send() done [31 bytes] after 6 retries, request depth is 21978 You can see that it needs 5 attempts to connect properly. The client's hostname is IOS. The other serious error appears from time to time - I have no idea hwo to reproduce it. Even with no actions involved, somehow the transmitting is blocked after a few minutes. All computers are connected via a 20-port switch (100MBit). I changed network cables and ports, but no change :-( My only hope is that you can read some information from the logfiles that will enlighten me. These errors are driving me crazy (as well as my application that hangs and has to be killed via the task manager). The reason is that when transmitting is blocked Wideclient.exe takes 99% of processor time and renders the systems unusable. Let me add that these errors occur with WideFS 6.22 and 6.10. My application has not been changed in the last weeks, thus it can't be the reason for this new phenomenom (<= correctly spelled?). Anyway, thank you very much for your time and help! Best regards, Michael ********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.22] ********* Using blocksize guide of 4096 bytes Date (dmy): 25/04/04, Time 17:49:57.125: Server name is ACFT 16406 Initialising server socket now 16640 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=4744) 16640 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=4756) 16703 Connected to computer "FO-CDU" (skt=4744) 16781 Connected to computer "EICAS" (skt=4756) 16828 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=4768) 16859 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=4780) 16937 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=4792) 16937 Connected to computer "CPT-CDU" (skt=4768) 16969 Connected to computer "FO-MFD" (skt=4780) 17125 Connected to computer "CPT-MFD" (skt=4792) 102187 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=300) 102312 Connected to computer "MAP" (skt=300) 118515 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=260) 118562 Connected to computer "IOS" (skt=260) 138594 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=364) 145062 Connected to computer "IOS" (skt=364) 163625 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=324) 169453 Connected to computer "IOS" (skt=324) 188687 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=460) 194828 Connected to computer "IOS" (skt=460) 213750 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=4836) 219562 Connected to computer "IOS" (skt=4836) 4148469 Send ok but needed 1219 attempts! (1826 of 1826 sent) (skt=4836) 4314750 Retried 1456 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 123 sent), Error=10035 (skt=4836) 4317062 Send ok but needed 2138 attempts! (133 of 133 sent) (skt=4836) 4378500 Send ok but needed 131 attempts! (1619 of 1619 sent) (skt=4836) 4379390 Send ok but needed 82 attempts! (93 of 93 sent) (skt=4836) 4380422 Send ok but needed 153 attempts! (1152 of 1152 sent) (skt=4836) 4381250 Send ok but needed 39 attempts! (87 of 87 sent) (skt=4836) 4381390 Send ok but needed 64 attempts! (1765 of 1765 sent) (skt=4836) 4382359 Send ok but needed 129 attempts! (649 of 649 sent) (skt=4836) 4383359 Send ok but needed 144 attempts! (660 of 660 sent) (skt=4836) 4384297 Send ok but needed 128 attempts! (1757 of 1757 sent) (skt=4836) 4385297 Send ok but needed 127 attempts! (88 of 88 sent) (skt=4836) 4386265 Send ok but needed 141 attempts! (1746 of 1746 sent) (skt=4836) 4387156 Send ok but needed 59 attempts! (87 of 87 sent) (skt=4836) 4387281 Send ok but needed 43 attempts! (1762 of 1762 sent) (skt=4836) 4388281 Send ok but needed 169 attempts! (601 of 601 sent) (skt=4836) 4389328 Send ok but needed 129 attempts! (1666 of 1666 sent) (skt=4836) 4390109 Send ok but needed 36 attempts! (1675 of 1675 sent) (skt=4836) 4390281 Send ok but needed 110 attempts! (1525 of 1525 sent) (skt=4836) 4391109 Send ok but needed 34 attempts! (1463 of 1463 sent) (skt=4836) [rest is cut off]
  12. With recent EPICenter releases, you should be using the new form of button procedure assignment. your epl-file should look like this: void FirstDevice.YAWD.On (void) { ctrlhit(D); MCP.Row0.NAV_LED = on; } This way you can avoid the definemodule statement. Also note the new way of defining outputs. Good luck! Michael
  13. Dear FSUIPC gurus, From my application I often reposition the aircraft using slew controls. When the aircraft is released then, it accelerates with ultra-high speed (~300 kt). Question is wether I can avoid this acceleration or, alternatively, reduce speed just after releasing from slew mode? Is it possible to set the Aircraft's speed / acceleration using offsets in FSUIPC? Thanks in advance for any hints! CAT III PS: When aircraft is released on ground, it's standing still fine :-)
  14. Thank you Pete and noodnik2 for your help. I will give the netpipes sdk a try although I'm afraid I still have to learn something about C++ CATIII
  15. Hi, I would like to know if there's any way to activate FS own replay mode WITHOUT having to go through the menus? If FSUIPC cannot do this, how can I send the appropriate key presses to FS (via WideFS)? Thanks for any help! CATIII
  16. Maybe you want WideClient to use a protocol that is not installed or supported in your windows installation. You can choose between IPX and TCP/IP. Your choice should appear in Windows' network properties. CATIII
  17. I'm finally enlighted... Thank you very much, Pete. I already read the AWI docs but decided that it was too much for my needs. I will then try to stay with my interface and try to fix it. Best regards, CATIII
  18. Pete, this was really an ultra-fast reply! Thank you very much. You're right: I always set upper clouds first and then in sequence the lower ones. Will have to change this when I'm back at home and give it a try. Anyway, is there any documentation for the NWI? I would like to have a look at it and maybe switch over. Again, thank you for your help and have a nice week! CATIII PS: Instead of "hot-keying" the Clear-local-weather facility, is there any way to manage this via FSUIPC offset writes? What offsets must be cleared to clear all weather?
  19. Hi Pete, thank you for your fast reply. I update every cloud layer with a timer. If the cloudlayer is inactive, I write only 0's to clear the layer. FSUIPC_Write($0F1C, 2, @UpperClouds_Top, dwResult); FSUIPC_Write($0F1E, 2, @UpperClouds_Base, dwResult); FSUIPC_Write($0F20, 2, @UpperClouds_Cover, dwResult); FSUIPC_Write($0F22, 2, @UpperClouds_Variation, dwResult); FSUIPC_Write($0F7A, 2, @UpperClouds_Type, dwResult); FSUIPC_Write($0F7C, 2, @UpperClouds_Icing, dwResult); FSUIPC_Write($0F7E, 2, @UpperClouds_Turb, dwResult); How can I clear the local weather? All cloud changes appear in FS' global weather menu. I never used "LOCAL WEATHER". Thank you in advance for any hints! Bye, CATIII
  20. Hi folks, I have written my own program to control weather in FS2002. You can have a look at it here: http://www.unixland.de/ios/weather.jpg Although the tool works quite well, I have a small problem when setting new clouds: Cloud layers and properties are 'injected' properly, i.e. I can see them in Peter Dowson's WeatherSet.exe exactly as I put them in. But mostly they don't appear visually in FS :( :( :(. Sometimes they appear but obviously with the wrong layer setting. I wonder why FS does not generate clouds as commanded although those cloud layers also appear in FS' environment menus. Is there anything I forgot to activate or similar? Any help would be very appreciated since I spent hours and hours with this until now. Thank you! CATIII
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