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About mikemike

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Thank you Pete, this is much appreciated. I think my issue was that I use 'addon linker' and some of my new airports were not indicated (linked) in the Community folder, thus I don't believe that MSFS Content.xml contained a line for these items. I think I have enough to work with now and thank you again for your help. BTW, I saw your similar posting at AVSIM.
  2. Hi, I hope you can help. I have downloaded the latest version and the .exe seems to run as expected. However, it seems that that it is only reading the base MSFS file for extraction/conversion which it finds automatically. How do I get it to also see my custom third party airports in the Community folder? Fundamentally, I am trying to get only my custom Community files processed so that I can then get these into Pilot2ATC via its 'taxiway maintenance' routine. The base MSFS taxi/gate information for many airports is way off, this was why I purchased third party. Can something like this be done? Thank you in advance.
  3. Is it possible for you to take a look at this posting?: http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=c_id=11495 (I dont know how to post images here- sorry)
  4. Hi Pete, let me explain a bit. I am using PMDG's 737 and also various other payware aircraft. In these I can select '2D cockpit, no VC', which I prefer for frame rate considerations. Now, when I am in the 2D cockpit, and change views I get the static bmp's, and that is fine. However, when I select FORWARDRIGHT I get the UP view (again, bad switch). With that being said, when I toggle the view modes (i.e. tower, spot ect) I can get to the PAN(?) mode. This will show me kind of 'outside' the aircraft (NOT spot view). This is nice to be able to pan around and see things, specifically things to the front and right. This work well as it can smoothly pan around. So, when I set up these view modes (forward, forwardright, ect) in FSUIPC they worked great, in the 2D cockpit view, then I toggle through the view modes and get to that 'outside NON spot view' and I can no longer smoothly pan, but instead still get the stepping front, frontright, ect. My ultimate goal is to use FSUIPC to step in the 2D mode (thus assigning the BACK view to read FORWARDRIGHT- thus bypassing the bad part of the switch) but still maintaining the 'smooth' panning option for that 'outside' view (man, I wish I knew the correct name for that). Ok, now that I have completely confused you, got take a nice break, :-) p.s. I think you live is London (at least UK) is that right??
  5. thanks for the advice, I did it but was a bit disapointed that it disable the 'pan' feature within the VC. Thus it worked beautifully in the 2d mode but unfortunatly also snapped to the 8 views in the VC (no panning) bummed, I really thought I had it licked. It figures that the first time I try to use this FSUIPC feature, it is with probably the most difficult button to program; The HAT panning button. Thanks for your help, I at least exhausted that avenue for a fix. much appreciated Mike
  6. can anyone take a shot at helping me out a bit. I have read the manual in total and I have it open right now the correct area. Problem; I have a CH yoke, it contains a hat switch on the right handle. It is an 8 way switch. The upper right area of the switch as never worked well (very very intermittent). I use FS9 and this would represent the forwardright view (however, 95% of the time I get the UP view - bad switch). I purchased FSUIPC primarily to show support and have only utilized the 'battery life' option to date. But now I have been struggling a bit to try to 'map'(?) a button to work for me. I would like it if I moved the hat switch down, it would show me the forward right view (vs. the look back view) since I have no problem activating this 'back' view. In fact all other view also work well except this dang forwardright. What I have done; FSUIPC - buttons tab placed the cursor into the box to the right of the PRESS word I moved the hat switch to the bottom Joy# reads 0, Btn# reads 36 I then select the box next to 'Select for key press' then, in the upper of the two 'boxes' (above Set and Clear), I press the Set button, it states PRESS KEY at this point I press the keypad 9 key (FS9 view forward right) FSUIPC displays Num9 in the box I press OK in the lower right and FSUIPC closes However, this technique appears to do nothing with the hat switch Can anyone step me though this a little bit?? thanks p.s. Pete, thanks for the wind shift fix, great job
  7. just checking in if anything new is on the horizon for fixing uppper windshifting? This has been a real bane for me as I am very close to stoping use of FSMeteo, FSUIPC, and any wx (static, dynamic or auto-updating) in all in my flights. I dont blame any of the addon producers - I am just a bit frustrated and curious about work on this front. Thanks Mike
  8. again, I apologize as I am not clear on this simple isse. At many locations within the dropdown menus, there are references to 'global wx or externally supplied wx'. question: can I assume that FSMETEO is 'externally supplied wx' and that all associated menu options will work when FSMETEO is in use? anyone? thanks Mike
  9. ok, I will give them another reinstall and see if that does anything. I'll be back thanks Mike
  10. I already have both of those installed. You may be correct, but I cannot recall seeing this 'square' effect prior to installing the latest FSUIPC. I have gone back to the previous, but the effect is still there. Again, you may be right, but does your visibility layer actually form a square on or close to the ground plane?? There is some number or toggle somwhere that controls this, must be. This is a recent problem for me. Very strange, I think I am going to have to post an image of this over at AVSIM. Both day and night, it ruins any visuals for flights above 5-6 thousand feet, just looks bizzare.
  11. I apologize as I am not clear on this simple isse. At many locations within the dropdown menus, there are references to 'global wx or externally supplied wx'. question; can I assume that FSMETEO is 'externally supplied wx' and that all associated menu options will work when FSMETEO is in use? thanks Mike p.s. I am trying to track down an annoying visual effect when flying that shows a large translucent white square directly under my plane (and moves with it), about ground level that is about 60 x 60 miles (visibility?). Does not always happen but about 75% of the time, with or without FSMETEO. If I find that FSUIPC has an effect I will get back here and post up, thanks.
  12. thank you Pete, I appreciate your answers. dont let this stuff consume you, truely it is not worth it. good luck with whatever you feel comfortable with. thanks Mike
  13. This is just a curiosity question. I and others often experience radical high alt winds shifts while in jet flight while using real wx from an wx addon program (ie non-global settings). I understand that FSUIPC is unable to do anything about this at this time. My question is, in very general terms, Why? I am a novice and I do not program. However, I was just thinking about it and it seems that if FSUIPC intercepts and controls the wind that FS9 sees, then isnt sometype (anytype) of smoothing available? Can anyone kinda give me a 'short version' answer. Is it reasonable to expect work is being done in this area? Thanks Mike
  14. I've seen folks mention this, but I don't get it happening often, only when the clouds below me are pretty thin. When do you see it? I get it quite frequently. It occured just in the last 24 hours. May I suggest that you try flying around the Sitka Alaska airport during the day using fs9 real wx (changes set to 0) soon? I suspect that the wx may be similar to what I experienced. So far most of the cloud effects I've seen in FS2004 are pretty good. Do you have all the sliders in Options-Settings-Display-weather set full right? Agreed, most are very good. No, I do not have all my wx slider full right. I have them about 75% or so to the right. FSMeteo doesn't send "OVC", it sets the coverage directly through FSUIPC's New Weather Interface. Surely a cover of 8/8 is more than 7/8? There's something I'm not understanding about your suggestion it seems -- why do you never want overcast weather? I am suspecting that it may have to do with possibly fs9 treating 8/8 differently than any other density. I say this because when it has happend to me, I can manually reset to 7/8 or 6/8 and immediatly the undercast is dense (looks like actual cloud formations vs. thin fog). However, this does not last as FS9 updates to the next station. Realy, the correct place for any such weird options, to "distort" the weather, is in the weather provider, i.e. FSMeteo. But i must admit I don't see the point of never allowing overcast clouds. You are correct, there is no point in not wanting overcast. I want it, in fact I want it so badly that I actually pause the sim to manually change the setting to get it. Again, it is very well done as an overcast (looking from below) but does not stand up well as an undercast (looking from above). I am new to this forum and will experiment with some jpg showing this condition. Regards, Mike
  15. In know this is an issue with FS9. The problem of having 'transparent' overcast/undercast (i.e. you can see the ground. I was wondering if FSUIPC could force FS9 to display say 7/8 coverage when FSMeteo sends it an OVC condition? Would this force it show clouds instead of the transparent fog effect we get now? Just thinking outloud. Thanks
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