Further to my project to control the GPS using keys and buttons, I am trying to map several keys to GPS actions, using FSUIPC's preset options. I do this separately for a GNS530 (as optionally installed in the A2A Comanche) and the NXi G1000 (as installed in the Asobo C172SP Cargo), using Profiles. My problem is that while the keys I use are trapped by the UI, and successfully associated with the correct presets in a new .INI file (with one possible exception, see below), after closing MSFS and FSUIPC then starting a new session, keydowns/ups are only received by MSFS for two of the seven keys I had mapped.
I will send a FSUIPC.ini.new file to show the result of the mapping. All looks good (to my eyes) except that the key number used for the Clear key above the numpad is "12" which, according to the Advanced User Guide, is the NumPad 5 key (with NumLock Off). Yet the key label shown in the UI for that key is "Clr" which matches with the graphic on the key face and with what is received by the Keyboard utility in Microsoft PowerToys. The other six keys I am using are registered in the UI and in the resulting .INI file with key labels and numbers that match the Advanced User Guide's list, so apart from the oddball 12/Clear/NumPad 5 confusion it does not seem that my German Apple extended keyboard layout is preventing the proper behaviour of the other keys.
Note that there are no conflicts with MSFS key assignments. None of these key are assigned in MSFS.
The log file I will send separately (logging InputEvents, Extra actions as well as Buttons and Keys) shows the result of the test from around 236110. At that timestamp a VK=111 is received by MSFS, and at 237688 VK=106 is received. No other key strokes are received, despite me cycling through all seven keys (in the order 127, 128, 129, 130, 12, 111, 106).
As an aside (I presume), the log file reports (at the start of the file) numerous duplicates of present names and some incorrect Calcodes for presets. This is new, and suggests I need to fix something. But none of the presets reported as being duplicated or having incorrect Calcodes are presets that I am trying to use. Anyway, my problem is that keystrokes are not being detected, not that presets are not functioning correctly.
I note that I have seen discussion (around December) of keystrokes not being received by MSFS. Initially it was thought to be related to a startup timing sequencing problem, but the last I saw was that John had discovered another issue with the way different components were communicating. I am presuming that Version 7.5.1, which I am using, has the necessary fix?
Another thought I had is that I may not be setting up profiles correctly. This is my first use of profiles, and the first time I have had problems with keystrokes not being received by MSFS. Any connection?
Grateful for any suggestions.
Thanks hugely, David