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Everything posted by Simzation

  1. Hi Pete, Thank you. I will take better care of it in the future. Regards, Boy Bruin
  2. Hello, I am going to change from FS2002 to FS9. Of course I will use FSUIPC with FS9 also. But I lost my e-mails with the codes to activate it. Where can I find these code? I don't want to buy it agian as I already bought it two times. Regards, Boy Bruin
  3. Hello, Do I need to register again (already did with 3.12) when I download FSUIPC 3.22 and install it on my FS computer or is it possible to replace it without register. Regards, Boy Bruin
  4. Good day everybody, I have a question about the FSUIPC offsets for instruments. I will build the whole MIP of the 747-200 and there are a lot of analogue gauges that I want to interface. I have bought all the analogue gauges for the engine indication and some other important gauges. I have read that I have access to all the FSUIPC offsets when I use the FSBUS interface system. I need offsets like N1, N2, EGT and the FF but also Flaps, TAT, TAS and more small but important things in the classic 747. I need to know how I have to program an instrument to an offset in FSUIPC. I have ordered the hardware for FSBUS and soon I will start interfacing the first instruments. Note: The instruments I bought were used in an old FFS of Air France so all the instruments are capable to run with servos or stepper motors. I hope my message is a little bit clear. Reagrds, Boy Bruin
  5. Hello people, I have a question about the controls and how the use FSUIPC with it. I want to conect my yoke and pedals to a Client computer in my network, because I fly online and my RogerWilco is installed on a client computer and I need to connect the Push To Talk switch to this computer. Now I would like to know how I can make it possible to connect my controls in the network OR is it possible to make the Push To Talk switch work on my Flightsim Computer so I don't have to connect my controls on the Client computer. I hope there is somebody who knows this because I have no idea. Yhank you.
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